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PHP Select Option Wrong Store Into DB


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Greetings collegues,

having these codes below:

This reading the data from MySQL DB and fill it on select (don't screw the teachers are pretending to use this method)
The next one is the query. The problem is if I try to select for example 2016. In my phpMyAdmin database I retrieve the value 2032. So to select some data I need to make some difference about 16 - and it works. THe problem is the registration. When I try to insert a new user (student whatever it is) and if I select 1985 on my DB results 0000, meanwhile the insert something anno_maturita = $casellaAnnoScolastico - 16 (it works).

<select name="casellaAnnoScolastico" title="Anno Maturità">
                            include "../connect/connetti.php";
                            $conn = new mysqli("localhost", "root", "", "archivio_studenti");
                            echo '<option value="none">Nessuno</option>';
                            $query = "SELECT ID, anno
                              FROM annoscolastico
                              ORDER BY ID ASC ";
                            $result = mysqli_query($conn, $query);
                            while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
                                unset($id, $name);
                                $id = $row['ID'];
                                $anno = $row['anno'];
                                echo '<option value="' . $id . '">' . $anno . '</option>';
$query = "INSERT INTO utenti_studenti (nome, cognome, password ,via_piazza,n_civico,cap,
localita, anno_maturita, voto_maturita, email, telefono , confermato, cod_azienda)
			  VALUES ('$nome','$cognome','$password','$via_piazza','$n_civico','$codice_cap',
			  '$comune','$casellaAnnoScolastico'-16,'$votoMaturita','$email','$telefono', 1, '$casellaAzienda')";
$risultato = mysqli_query(new mysqli("localhost", "root", "", "archivio_studenti"),
INSERT INTO utenti_studenti (nome, cognome, password, via_piazza, n_civico, cap,
                             localita, anno_maturita, voto_maturita, email, telefono,
                             confermato, cod_indirizzo_studio, cod_azienda, cod_facolta)
VALUES('phpstorm', 'jetbrains', 123123123, 'via', '15', 151515, 'Munchen', '2016'-16, 100, 'email@email.it', 393462133945, 0, NULL,

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