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  1. Alright thanks dudes...let apply this
  2. Thanks, but the tutorial is about selecting some substring from a string but what I want to select paragraph
  3. Hello, I have a variable ($post) that contains posted content from database. Now I want to select the first paragraph and insert a code after it (Ads precisely ). Here is my code <?php include "../modules/gfuncs.php"; $topicId=(int)$_GET['id']; #check if topic exists $q=$conn->query("SELECT * FROM topics WHERE id='$topicId'") or die( $conn->error ); if(mysqli_num_rows($q)==0){ header("location: $thisDomain/notfound"); exit; } #check for post $c4p=$conn->query("SELECT * FROM posts WHERE topicid=$topicId") or die($conn->error); if(mysqli_num_rows($c4p)==0){ $delpost=$conn->query("DELETE FROM topics WHERE id=$topicId") or die($conn->error); header("location:$thisDomain/notfound"); exit; } #new comment $notify=""; $err=""; if(isset($_POST['post']) and isLoggedIn()){ $msg=$_POST['msg']; $fid=(int)$_POST['fid']; $thisdate=time(); $error=array(); #if user uploads attachment if($_FILES['attach']['size']>0){ $thumb=$_FILES['attach']; $thumbtmp=$thumb['tmp_name']; $thumbname=$thumb['name']; $thumbsize=$thumb['size']; $targetDir="thumbs/$thumbname"; $ext=pathinfo($targetDir, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $allowed=array("jpg","gif","png"); if(!in_array($ext, $allowed)){ $error[]="Invalid thumbnail format"; } elseif($thumbsize > 2097152){ $error[]="Thumbnail size exceeded limit"; } } if(!$msg or empty($msg)){ $error[]="Please enter a comment"; } elseif( strlen($msg)<3){ $error[]="Comment too short"; } if(count($error)==0){ $newAttachName=""; if($_FILES['attach']['size']>0){ $newAttachName=encrypt(time()*rand(), 15).".jpg"; @move_uploaded_file($thumbtmp, "thumbs/$newAttachName"); } $save=$conn->query("INSERT INTO posts SET topicid=$topicId, forumid=$fid, poster='$curUser', postdate=$thisdate, post='$msg', attachment='$newAttachName'") or die($conn->error); $notify='<div class="successHolder">Comment Successfully Added!</div>'; } else { $err=implode(",<br>", $error); $notify='<div class="errorHolder">'.$err.'</div>'; } } $load=mysqli_fetch_object($q); $forumid=$load->forumid; $subject=_read($load->subject); $subjext=$load->subject; $poster=$load->poster; $views=$load->views; #update views $newviews=$views+1; $updviews=$conn->query("UPDATE topics SET views=$newviews WHERE id=$topicId") or die($conn->error); $postdate=$load->postdate; $postdate=date("d, M Y.", $postdate); $lastposter=$load->lastposter; $lastpostdate=$load->lastpostdate; $locked=$load->locked; $attachment=$load->attachment; #load forum info $fq=$conn->query("SELECT * FROM forums WHERE forumid=$forumid") or die($conn->error); $ft=mysqli_fetch_object($fq); $forumName=$ft->forumname; $forumUrl="$thisDomain/forum/$forumid/".urlize($forumName); #count posts $postCount=$conn->query("SELECT * FROM posts WHERE topicid=$topicId") or die( $conn->error); $totalPosts=mysqli_num_rows($postCount); #pagination $limit=13; $pagination= new paging; $pagination->totalResults($totalPosts); $pagination->rows_per_page($limit); $page=@$_GET['page']; $pagination->page($page); $pagination->thisPage("$thisDomain/forum/$forumid/topic/$topicId/".urlize($subjext)); $paging=$pagination->paging(); $paging.="<span class=\"tp\">Page ".$pagination->currentPage()." of ".$pagination->totalPages()."</span>"; $anotif=""; $adminMenu=""; if($isAdmin){ if(isset($_POST['adminAct'])){ $time=time(); $act=$_POST['admin_act']; if($act=="tag_topic"){ $qt=$conn->query("SELECT * FROM updates WHERE media='topic' AND media_id='$topicId'") or die($conn->error); if(mysqli_num_rows($qt)==0){ $qaa=$conn->query("INSERT INTO updates SET media='topic', media_id=$topicId, updatetime=$time") or die($conn->error); $anotif='<div class="successHolder">Topic successfully tagged to homepage</div>'; } else { $anotif='<div class="errorHolder">Topic is already in updates</div>'; } } elseif($act="untag_topic"){ $qaa=$conn->query("DELETE FROM updates WHERE media='topic' AND media_id=$topicId") or die($conn->error); $anotif='<div class="successHolder">Topic successfully removed from updates</div>'; } elseif($act=="del_topic"){ $qaa=$conn->query("DELETE FROM topics WHERE id=$topicId") or die($conn->error); $delPost=$conn->query("DELETE FROM posts WHERE topicid=$topicId") or die($conn->error); $delFromUpdates=$conn->query("DELETE FROM updates WHERE media='topic' AND media_id=$topicId") or die($conn->error); header("location:$thisDomain/forum"); exit; } elseif($act=="edit_topic"){ header("location:$thisDomain/forum/topiceditor"); exit; } } $adminMenu="<div class=\"ContentX\"><form method=\"post\" action=\"\">"; #TAGGING: check if topic is tagged or not $qt=$conn->query("SELECT * FROM updates WHERE media='topic' AND media_id='$topicId'") or die($conn->error); if(mysqli_num_rows($qt)==0){ $adminMenu.=" <input type=\"radio\" name=\"admin_act\" value=\"tag_topic\"> Tag Topic"; } else { $adminMenu.=" <input type=\"radio\" name=\"admin_act\" value=\"untag_topic\"> Untag Topic"; } $adminMenu.=" <input type=\"radio\" name=\"admin_act\" value=\"del_topic\"> Delete Topic"; $adminMenu.=" <input type=\"radio\" name=\"admin_act\" value=\"edit_topic\"> Edit Topic <button type=\"submit\" name=\"adminAct\" class=\"w3-btn\">Submit</button></form></div>"; } #resend query to initiate paging $postQ=$conn->query("SELECT * FROM posts WHERE topicid=$topicId ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT $pagination->offset,$pagination->rows_per_page") or die($conn->error); #load all posts $contents=""; $postMenu=""; while($loadp=mysqli_fetch_object($postQ)){ $postid=$loadp->id; $poster=$loadp->poster; $postdate=$loadp->postdate; $postAttach=$loadp->attachment; $post=""; if($postAttach){ $post='[img]'.$thisDomain.'/forum/thumbs/'.$postAttach.'[/img]'; } $post.=$loadp->post; $post=_bbcode(_read($post)); #get user info $usr=new userinfo; $usr->user($poster); $posterDP=$usr->get_info("dp"); $posterCity=$usr->get_info("city"); $posterState=$usr->get_info("state"); $postdate=date("g:ia, jS M Y.", $postdate); if($isAdmin){ $postMenu="\n<br>[<a href=\"$thisDomain/forum/editpost/$postid\">Edit Post</a>] / [<a href=\"$thisDomain/forum/delpost/$postid\">Delete Post</a>]"; } $contents.=<<<eof <div class="aPost"> <table class="info"> <tr> <td width="75"> <img src="$thisDomain/user/dps/$posterDP" height="70" width="70" id="infoDP"> </td> <td> <a href="$thisDomain/profile/$poster"><span class="fa fa-user"></span> $poster</a>. $posterCity, $posterState<br> <span class="fa fa-pencil"></span> $postdate </tr> </table> <div class="msgBody"> $post </div>$postMenu </div> eof; } $pageTitle=$subject; include "../header.php"; ?>
  4. Hello everyone! Am having problem with the youtube grabber I uploaded in my site. The first time I uploaded it on my host it worked well but later stopped. All I see is but later it disappeared and started working well yesterday night the grabber didn't work at all, when am about to make this post I wish to post the screenshort but going to my site to screenshort it I found out that the grabber has started working normal again. Am tired of all this partial contact in the please because I know that very soon it will stop again. Here is the php script of homepage that it do occur <?php include "conf.php"; include "header.php"; $fetchURI="https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search?type=video&q=bollywood&key=$api_key∂=snippet&maxResults=24"; $ch=curl_init($fetchURI); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); $data=curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $datas=json_decode($data); $sdata=""; $fetch_data=$datas->items; foreach($fetch_data as $vid){ $vidId=$vid->id->videoId; $thumb_uri=$vid->snippet->thumbnails->medium->url; $title=$vid->snippet->title; $time=strtotime($vid->snippet->publishedAt); $date=date("jS, F Y", $time); $sdata.=' <div class="v-item"> <div class="pplay"> <a href="'.$base.'/view/'.$vidId.'.html"><span class="fa fa-play"></span></a> </div> <img src="'.$thumb_uri.'"> <a href="'.$base.'/view/'.$vidId.'.html">'.$title.'</a> <div class="time-in"><span class="fa fa-clock-o"></span> '.$date.'</div> </div>'; } ?> <div class="w3-row v-cont" id="fsts"> <div class="w3-row w3-padding w3-margin"> <div class="w3-left"> <h1>Newest Videos</h1> </div> </div> <?=$sdata?> </div> <?php include "footer.php"; ?>
  5. am having this invalid argument supplied for foreach in my site will post it tomorrow am not close to the code now...hope u guys will help
  6. Hello everyone, am new here and I believe that am going to get more help in this wonderful community... Since am a beginner in web programming. I started with Javascript, on learning it I got stucked in String. Where we have Constructor, Prototype and Length. I understood others but am still getting confused on Prototype. I didn't understand really what they are trying to teach. I know it is used to add a new value to an object. But the question is how? How can we use the added value? Where can we use it. Please I need help on this..am waiting in anticipation. Thanks
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