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rotating with deg.


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its "simple" math really, run a google search on "graph arctan2" and choose images, you should see what going on from that.


basically when the y input into Math.arctan2() approaches 0 the number becomes undefined and returns a NAN. use ArcSin instead. you'll need the X delta (which you already have and pathagorean therom to find the distance (the hypotenuse or magnitude) which the mouse is from the origin. then...




you'll never want to use arctan (DeltaX/DeltaY) in this case as you'll have the risk of DeltaY nearing zero and giving you a div/0 error

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What is the magnitude in this case?

deltaX would be g-raduzs (defined in fiddle) , and magnitude should be new position of X? a.k.a Asin(g-radius/new_client) cuz thats what i tried as first but seems like isnt working properly //sorry im not familiar with names of math expressions in english and translators are pain in this case :/

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var rect = one.getBoundingClientRect();var DeltaX = e.offsetX -  (rect.left+rect.width/2);var DeltaY = e.offsety -  (rect.top+rect.height/2);var Magnitude = (DeltaX^2 + DeltaY^2)^Delta^0.5;//should provide a degree range of -89 to 270var degree = (DeltaY>0)?Math.arcsin(DeltaX/Magnitude)                       :180 - Math.arcsin(DeltaX/Magnitude);

When I have some time I'll come back and provide some polished code, but now I have some work to do. hopefully you can use what I gave you.




So here is the fully updated code after I had the time to actually sit down and work with it



Edited by Hadien
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