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  1. Thanks, will look into that. What I require is actually a lot simpler than what you are suggesting however. The data required has already been passed to the form from the controller, so all I actually need is the category_id to be passed to the next element in the form, once it's there the loop will pull all the required sub categories in.
  2. Hi, I have this issue where I have created a form (using Laravel), it looks like this in part: {{-- Choose a category from the radios provided, this is where I need to get the $category->id and pass it to the next element for the sub category selection --}} <div class="form-group"> <p><b>Choose a category:</b></p> @foreach (AppHttpModelsGalleryCategories::all() as $category) {!! Form::label('category_id', $category->name) !!} {!! Form::radio('category_id', $category->id, null, ['class' => 'form-field']) !!} @endforeach </div> {{-- Using the category id passed to this form-group I can then access only the sub categories that have a gallery_categories_id = category --}} <div class="form-group"> <p><b>Choose a sub category:</b></p> @foreach (AppHttpModelsGallerySubCategories::all() as $sub_category) {!! Form::label('sub_category_id', $sub_category->name) !!} {!! Form::radio('sub_category_id', $sub_category->id, null, ['class' => 'form-field']) !!} @endforeach </div> The way I have the database setup is that a category has many sub categories. So first it will display a list of categories, something like: cat1 ( ) cat2 ( ) cat3 ( ) ... Then the form will display the sub categories like this: subcat1 ( ) subcat2 ( ) subcat3 ( ) But what I want to do is that when someone selects a category I want to capture that $category->id and then pass it immediately to the next form element that will then display the sub categories that relate to that category. Easy enough if I was to break it all down and submit a couple of forms to pass the data back and forth however I wanted to be able to achieve this without the form being submitted. It has been suggested that JS would be the best way to acomplish this, I am not sure. What do you think? Thanks
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