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printing in the browser using if statement


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I have the following code:

	'<div class="fc-time"' +' data-start="' + htmlEscape(startTimeText) + '"' +						' data-full="' + htmlEscape(fullTimeText) + '"' +						'>' +'<span>' + htmlEscape(timeText) + '</span>' +						'</div>' :'') +                                                               (event.title ?'<div class="fc-title">'+ htmlEscape(event.title) + '</div>' :						''						) +                                                                                 				'</div>' +

Above you see ternary operators used along with the string concatenation symbol to print to the browser.

My issue is that I want to use if statements instead to print to the browser....for example in the code relevant to event title.

</div>' :'') +//if statement here +   

The problem is that the if statement along with the string concatenation operator seem not to work...it is syntax problem.

How am I going to tackle it?


One thought is to write the if statement outside any div etc strings and then move whatever variable needed inside the div block.

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