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edit a record


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(feeling a bit difficult to describe)


i am trying to edit a post on a mysql table. in it data is transferred from one row to

previous data was recorded for "ID-1" and now data on some cell should be transferred to "ID-2" and that makes change to another table also.

i succeeded to change data on another table and change on "ID-2". but i got difficulties to retrieve "ID-1" to change its value.


the edit form is like this ---

<form method ="POST" action="saleseditpost.php"><fieldset><legend><h1>Edit Sales Record</h1></legend><div class="form-field"><label>Customer Name:</label><select name="cname" id="cname"><option></option>	<?php    // select table	$query = "SELECT * FROM customer";	$result = mysql_query($query);		if (!$result) die("Unable to select database: " . mysqli_error());		// fetch data	$rows = mysql_num_rows($result);	for ($n = 0 ; $n < $rows ; ++$n)	{		echo "<option>" . mysql_result($result,$n,'cname') . "</option>" ;	}	?></select>    </div>    <div class="form-field">    	<label>S.N.: </label>		<input type="text" name="sn" id="sn" value="<?php echo $rs-> sn ?>" readonly="readonly">    </div>    <div class="form-field">        <label for="date">Date: </label>        <input type="text" name="date" id="date" value="<?php echo $rs-> date ?>">    </div>    <div class="form-field">    	<label for="ref">Ref.No.: </label>        <input type="text" name="ref" id="ref" value="<?php echo $rs-> ref ?>">    </div>    <div class="form-field">    	<label for="amt">Bill Amount: </label>        <input type="text" name="amt" id="amt" value="<?php echo $rs-> amt ?>">    </div>    <div class="form-field">    	<input type="submit" value="EDIT" name="submit" id="submit">    </div></fieldset></form> 

the name selected from the <select> option is "ID-2".

data retrieved through "$rs->" is for "ID-1". now when the edit form is submitted input name - "amt" is stored for "ID-2" and previous data "$rs-> amt" must be erased from "ID-1". i succeeded to store input "amt" to ID-2 but not succeeded to erase that from ID-1. actually i could not retrieve ID-1


i want to learn how to grab that previous ID?


i used action script like this ---

// grab cid from cname$resultcid = mysql_query("SELECT cid	FROM customer WHERE cname = '$cname'");$rowcid = mysql_fetch_array($resultcid);$cid = $rowcid['cid'];// grab balance from customer$chkBal = "SELECT * FROM customer WHERE cname = '$cname'";$result = mysql_query($chkBal) or die(mysql_error());while($myRows = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {$balance = $myRows['bal'];$newBalance = $balance + $amt;$preSales = $myRows['sales'];$newSales = $preSales + $amt;}// grab s.n.$sn = ($_POST['sn']);$sql = "SELECT * FROM customer where cid = '$cid' ";$result = mysql_query($sql);$rs = mysql_fetch_object($result);$date = strtoupper($_POST['date']);$ref = strtoupper($_POST['ref']);$amt = strtoupper($_POST['amt']);$sql2= "UPDATE sales SET sn = '$sn',cid = '$cid',date = '$date',ref = '$ref',amt = '$amt' WHERE sn ='$sn'";$sql3= "UPDATE customer SET sales = '$newSales',bal = '$newBalance' WHERE cid ='$cid'";mysql_query($sql2)or die(mysql_error());  mysql_query($sql3)or die(mysql_error());  
Edited by funbinod
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i'm sorry!


does these lines from action script define my problem?

$sql1= "UPDATE sales SET sn = '$sn',cid = '$cid',date = '$date',ref = '$ref',amt = '$amt' WHERE sn ='$sn'";$sql2= "UPDATE customer SET sales = '$newSales',bal = '$newBalance' WHERE cid ='$cid'";$sql3= "UPDATE customer SET sales = '$subSales2',bal = '$subBalance2' WHERE cid ='$preCid'";// i couldnt make the third query done.// or i couldnt retrive the previous 'cid' as '$precid'.
Edited by funbinod
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echo "UPDATE sales SET sn = '$sn',cid = '$cid',date = '$date',ref = '$ref',amt = '$amt' WHERE sn ='$sn'";echo "UPDATE customer SET sales = '$newSales',bal = '$newBalance' WHERE cid ='$cid'";echo "UPDATE customer SET sales = '$subSales2',bal = '$subBalance2' WHERE cid ='$preCid'";




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echo "UPDATE sales SET sn = '$sn',cid = '$cid',date = '$date',ref = '$ref',amt = '$amt' WHERE sn ='$sn'";echo "UPDATE customer SET sales = '$newSales',bal = '$newBalance' WHERE cid ='$cid'";echo "UPDATE customer SET sales = '$subSales2',bal = '$subBalance2' WHERE cid ='$preCid'";






i think failed to make u understand my problem!

let it be!

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