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Have a div fill the area between a header and a footer


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Hey everyone...


So I am trying to create a site that has a header stuck to the top at 100% width and 50px height, a footer stuck at the bottom at 100% width and 50px height, and a div in between that fills up the remaining space.


Now so far I got this:




<!DOCTYPE html><html>	<head>		<title>New Concept</title>		<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/default2.css" title="Default" type="text/css" media="screen" charset="utf-8">	</head>	<body>		<div id="pageWrap">			<div id="header"></div>			<div id="contentWrap">Content			</div>			<div class="push"></div>		</div>		<div id="footer"></div>	</body></html> 


html,body {	margin: 0;	border: 0;	padding: 0;	width: 100%;	height: 100%;}#pageWrap {	min-height: 100%;	height: auto !important;	height: 100%;	margin: 0 auto -50px;	position: relative;}#header {	width: 100%;	height: 50px;	background-color: black;}#contentWrap {        margin: 50px 0 0;	min-width: 700px;	width: 100%;	height: 100%;	position: absolute;	top: 0;	bottom: 0;}.push,#footer {	height: 50px;}#footer {	width: 100%;	background-color: black;} 




Now I can't seem to get the middle div to just fill in the space, no negative margins, padding, nothing seems to get it to fit... Any ideas? Also I would like it to be relative, not fixed. This is probably simple, but I can't seem to click. Thanks for any help.

Edited by DarkxPunk
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Look up sticky footer, the html, body height must be set at 100%, the outer container element should use min-height: 100%; the header MUST be within the outer container element, if not, its height will screw up the measurement required for correct height of outer container and positioning of footer, the footer is given a minus top margin matching its height. and is placed OUTSIDE of the outer container element at the bottom .


Just noticed code

<!DOCTYPE html><html>    <head>        <title>New Concept</title>        <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/default2.css" title="Default" type="text/css" media="screen" charset="utf-8">        <style type="text/css">            html,body {                margin: 0;                border: 0;                padding: 0;                /*width: 100%;*/                height: 100%;            }            #pageWrap {                min-height: 100%;                /*height: auto !important;                height: 100%;                margin: 0 auto -50px;                position: relative;*/            }            #header {                /*width: 100%;*/                height: 50px;                background-color: black;            }            #contentWrap {                margin: 0;                min-width: 700px;               /* width: 100%;                height: 100%;                position: absolute;                top: 0;                bottom: 0;*/            }            .push,#footer {                height: 50px;            }            #footer {                /*width: 100%;*/                margin-top:-50px;                background-color: black;            }         </style>    </head>    <body>        <div id="pageWrap">            <div id="header"></div>            <div id="contentWrap">Content            </div>            <div class="push"></div>        </div>        <div id="footer"></div>    </body></html>

Only the outside container will give true 100% height, any element within that, given a 100% height, just won't work.

Edited by dsonesuk
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