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  1. Wow took me a while to figure it out, but finally got it, I had to look up the .eq command because I didn't know about it yet. IT FINALLY WORKS, thank you! I still have another question, in the code I made I also have another function, so I thought that I had to define the variable 'currentItem' in between the brackets of my new function. If I did it like this, my marker only hopped between the second and last list item. do you have an explanation for this? If I place it all the way at the start of the code it works fine (I mean like this): var main = function(){ $(document).keydown(function(event) { var currentItem = 0; //blablabla }); };$(document).ready(main); versus: var currentItem = 0;var main = function(){ $(document).keydown(function(event) { //blablabla }); };$(document).ready(main);
  2. Okay so I tried to grasp this, still having troubles. I used your code and made a separate case for every selected item and gave every list item a separate ID. Now it does another weird thing. At first the first item doesn't seem selected, when I push down, a marker appears in front of the second element. When I push down again, the marker stays on the second line. Here's the code: html: <div class="menu"> <ul> <li ID="li1">Home</li> <li ID="li2">Work</li> <li ID="li3">About</li> <li ID="li4">Contact</li> </ul></div> javascript: var main = function(){ $(document).keydown(function(event) { var currentItem = 0; if (event.keyCode === 40){ currentItem++; if (currentItem >= $('.menu li').length){ currentItem = 0; } } else if (event.keyCode === 38){ currentItem--; if (currentItem < 0) { currentItem = $('.menu li').length; } } switch(currentItem){ case 0: $('#li4').removeClass('selected'); $('#li1').addClass('selected'); break; case 1: $('#li1').removeClass('selected'); $('#li2').addClass('selected'); break; case 2: $('#li2').removeClass('selected'); $('#li3').addClass('selected'); break; case 3: $('#li3').removeClass('selected'); $('#li4').addClass('selected'); break; } }); };$(document).ready(main); What did I do wrong?
  3. Hey everyone,I'm new here, and also quite new to coding. I finished javascript, jquery & html + css courses at codecademy (great website for beginners) and I'm currently making a mock-up website, just for experimentation. I'm trying to make a menu that can be controlled by the arrow keys but I can't seem to get it right. I want a marker in front of the selected item to move up & down. My menu consists of a few list elements of which I turned off the markers. At the moment the section of my code looks like this: The HTML: <div class="menu"> <ul> <li class="selected">Home</li> <li>Work</li> <li>About</li> <li>Contact</li> </ul></div> The CSS (the display: none is because I let it fade in in jquery, but this isn't relevant for my question): .menu ul { font-family: Julius Sans One; font-weight:bold; display: none; margin-top:35px; margin-left: 0px; position: relative; list-style-type: none; }li { margin-top:20px; } .selected { list-style-type: square;} The jQuery: var main = function(){ $(document).keydown(function(event) { if (event.keyCode === 40){ $('.selected').removeClass('selected'); $('.selected').next().addClass('selected'); } else if (event.keyCode === 38){ $('.selected').removeClass('selected'); $('.selected').prev().addClass('selected'); } }); };$(document).ready(main); So basically, I want to add the class 'selected' to the selected element and remove it from the previous. Like this, my marker just disappears when I press my arrow down or arrow up key. If I remove the first line in the if and else if statement, it adds the markers but doesn't remove the ones on the previous line, so if i pres all the way down to the end of the menu, there are markers in front of all the menu items. I tried to google it, but my coding brain isn't trained that well yet and I couldn't really find cases that were similar enough to apply the methods to my code. If someone more experienced could help me out with this one, that would be great.
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