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  1. I tried that but all those methods are via programs like drupal/wordpress...
  2. Hi , what is the best way to translate site which has few sub domains? I was thinkng that i could puth checkbox , if user select lang , the ajax will insert translated file to the document which has only links to translated sites, but i think it would take quite time to load the whole site. So what is the best way to do it?
  3. Hi , im new to web development stuff. I am trying to add facebook like to my site my code is var holder=document.createElement("div");holder.setAttribute("class","fb_hoder"); holder.innerHTML += '<div class="fb-like" data-href="images/"'+work[i].src+' data-width="50" data-layout="button_count" data-action="like" data-show-faces="true" data-share="true"></div>';inf.appendChild(holder); this code doesnt work , i think its because of "data-href" and path isn correct , could someone of you please tell me how to write it right? work.src is fine , but im not sure how exactly i should "append" that object value to the data-href. Im not sure about those " ". Thanks for help and answers.
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