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php generate data from foreach loop on txt file with table formatted


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Hello everyone,


I had tried to generate txt file from php foreach loop,
it's work, but the result is not table formatted like this :
Q : Is there php plugins or something ,so that the result shown as my expectation like this :
this is my code :
 $output[] = ''."\n".'';
    $output[] = '  No  '.'                    Name Product                    '.'    Total   '."\n".'';
    foreach($query->result() as $row){
       $results = $row->id_product; 
       $product = $this->db->query("select product_name from master_product WHERE product_id='".$results."'");
       $product_name = $product->row()->product_name;
       $output[] = '  '.$no.str_repeat(" ",20).''. $product_name.str_repeat(" ",20).''.$row->quantity.'  '.$row->scale."\n".'';
    file_put_contents(APPPATH."txt/test.txt", $output);
please someone help me
Edited by gong
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You would have to program that yourself.


Look through all the data of each column to find out the longest value and make the width of the column wider than that, then when writing to the file you pad all the strings with enough spaces to match the width of the column they belong to.

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And instead of using str_repeat to print the same number of spaces regardless of how long the text is, use str_pad. There's also a query that you can send to MySQL to get information about the columns in the table so that you can determine the length dynamically if you don't want to hard-code everything.

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Calculate font pixels from product name and from total of spaces pixel width, subtract to get difference, calculate spaces required from number of pixels, then use tabs to separate equally

<!DOCTYPE html>
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        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        $servername = "localhost";
        $username = "root";
        $password = "bullards";
        $dbname = "products";

        try {
            $pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=$servername;dbname=$dbname", $username, $password);
            $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
            $stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM master_product");

            $output = "";
            $tabtotal = 2;
            $taboutput = "";

            function spacing($Pno, $ProductName, $Ptotal) {

                global $tabtotal;

                //produce number tabs required
                for ($i = 0; $i < $tabtotal; $i++) {

                //produce number of spaces to calculate total width
                $spaceoutput = "";
                for ($i = 0; $i < 112; $i++) {
                    $spaceoutput.=" ";

                list($left,, $right) = imageftbbox(12, 0, "arial.ttf", $spaceoutput);
//total pixel width of spaces
                $totalSpaceWidth = $right - $left;

                list($left,, $right) = imageftbbox(12, 0, "arial.ttf", $ProductName);
//total pixel width of product
                $TotalStringWidth = $right - $left;

                //caculate spacing reqired by subtracting product name  pixel length from spacing pixel width
                $currentSpaceing = $totalSpaceWidth - $TotalStringWidth;

                //spacing takes up 4 px, so dived result by 4
                $currentSpaceing = $currentSpaceing / 4;

                $output = str_pad($Pno, 8, " ") . $taboutput . str_pad($ProductName, $currentSpaceing, " ") . $taboutput . str_pad($Ptotal, 8, " ") . "\n";

                return $output;

            $output.= spacing("No", "Product Name", "Total");

            while ($row = $stmt->fetchObject()) {
                $output.= spacing($no, $row->product_name, $row->quantity . ' ' . $row->scale);
        } catch (PDOException $e) {
            echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage();

        $file = "test.txt";
        file_put_contents($file, $output);

        $pdo = null;

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