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  1. There are 2 images, and 2 locations, lets named it img1, img2, loc1, and loc2. What im trying to do is drag and drop img1 to loc1, which mean i don't want img1 to be drop in loc2, i want the specific image drop on specific location. function dropIn(evt){var root = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];evt.preventDefault();var id = evt.dataTransfer.getData("text");if(ev.target.getAttribute('data-drop') == id)ev.target.appendChild(document.getElementById(id));}<div id="box1" style="position: absolute; top: 220px; left: 220px;" ondragover="dragIn();" ondrop="dropIn();" ><img id="img1" class="resize" src="wreck.jpg" ondragstart="dragBegin()" draggable="true" style="cursor:move;"/></div><div id="loc1" data-drop="img1" style="border:1px solid black; position:absolute; left:400px; top:150px; width:160px; height:200px;"ondragover="dragIn();" ondrop="dropIn();" ></div><div id="box2" style="position: absolute; top: 220px; left: 300px;" ondragover="dragIn();" ondrop="dropIn();" ><img id="img2" class="resize" src="nah.jpg" ondragstart="dragBegin()" draggable="true" style="cursor:move;"/></div><div id="loc2" data-drop="img2" style="border:1px solid black; position:absolute; left:560px; top:150px; width:160px; height:200px;"ondragover="dragIn();" ondrop="dropIn();" so far the code above allow me to achieve what i want, but its not perfect, when i drop img1 to loc2, it did nothing. What i really want is when i drop img1 to loc2, the img1 is still dropped on the loc1. No matter where the img1 will be drop by user, the result of img1 will still be dropped on loc1, and same goes to img2, it will always be dropped on the loc2.I tried this but its not working if(evt.target.getAttribute('data-drop') == id){evt.target.appendChild(document.getElementById(id));}else{evt.target.appendChild(document.getElementsByAttribute('data-drop'));} is there any soloution for me? Thanks alot
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