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Posts posted by rovf

  1. My HTML code is this:

    <div id="dlogo">
      <img class="dlogopic" border="0" src="http:.....png">
      <img class="dlogopic" border="0" src="https://.....png">

    I would like to have these images displayed on the right hand side of the window. I tried the following CSS:

    .dlogopic {
        display: inline-block;
        height: 60px;
        overflow: auto;
    div#dlogo {
        text-align: right;

    Still, the images are displayed on the left.

  2. This is about the overflow-x and overflow-y properties, which are explained here:




    I thought I would understand the explanations, but when I used the "try it" editor, setting the overflow-y property in the example provided, to either 'scroll' or 'visible', produce both the same effect: A vertical scrollbar is shown. From the explanation, I expected to see a scrollbar in the example when overflow-y is set to scroll, but not when it is set to visible


    I tried this on fairly new versions of Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and on IE11


  3. Say I have a page where I have two <META HTTP-EQUIV="expires" CONTENT="..."> elements with different expiration date. What does the standard say about this (in HTML4 and HTML5 respectively)?


    • Undefined behaviour?
    • The first is valid?
    • The second one is valid?
    • The one with the earlier date is valid?

    I tried to google for this problem, but didn't find an answer...


  4. Sorry, this is really a beginner's question:I stumbled over the following piece of JavaScript code:var ctx=element.getElementsByTagName('canvas')[0].getContext('2d')...var w=ctx.canvas.widthI understand what the code is doing. However, I was surprised to find, that we can extract the canvas out of the context (i.e. ctx.canvas), because when looking at http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_canvas.aspI find the following:"This reference will cover the properties and methods of the getContext("2d") object"but looking below, I do not find an attribute "canvas" listed. Did I misunderstand the documentation, i.e. are there maybe even more attributes or methods available for the context object, than are listed on ref_canvas.asp? Or why has the "canvas" attribute been left out?

  5. My schema file starts like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <!-- SIMPLE TYPES --> <xs:simpleType name="my.types.bool"> <!-- this is line 5 --> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:pattern value="([tT]([rR][uU][eE])?)|([fF]([aA][lL][sS][eE])?)|([yY]([eE][sS])?)|([nN][Oo]?)|1|0+"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> The validator of the XML editor I'm using (XML Copy Editor) complains: Error at line 5: Element schema has extra content: simpleType What am I doing wrong? I thought this message means that I have some text outside of an XML element, but there is none (except spaces and comments), so it must be a different reason.

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