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Posts posted by liderbug

  1. document.body.appendChil
    function extdb (a, b)
     var myval1 = a+","+b;
     e1 = document.createElement("script");
     e1.src = "sbsave.php?info="+myval1;
    //alert (e1.src);
     e1.type = "text/javascript";
    var ret = document.body.appendChild(e1);
    alert (ret);

    I have a web page, looks like a spreadsheet.  Some entries have a [ del ] or [ add ] onclick(extdb...) with them.
    The sbsave.php script (in this case does a "curl" operation (another page does a mysql op).  So everthing
    works fine - except for "RET". I can't get the JS/php to return the results of the operation .  When click on the
    del/add on page the script executes the curl and I'd like it to popup an alert saying "Success" / "Failed" / "Already there"
    from the output of sbsave.




  2. I'm displaying a answerbox(s) on a map and now I want to be able to rotate some of them by X deg. Here's what works sans rotation.


    height: 38; /*Specify Height*/
    width:  42px; /*Specify Width*/
    border: 2px solid black; /*Add 1px solid border, use any color you want*/
    background-color: #ffbbbb; /*Add a background color to the box*/
    text-align:center; /*Align the text to the center*/
    font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
    margin-left: 0px;
    margin-right: 0px;
    margin-top: 0px;
    margin-bottom: 0px;


    div class='answerbox;  style='position: absolute; top: $yleft: $x;'


    x, y and rotate comes from a mysql query and 

    div class='anserbox2fn; rotate=${rotate}deg, style='position: absolute; top: $y; left: $x;'

    doesn't work nor does

    div class='answerbox; style='position: absolute; top: $y; left: $x; transform: rotate=45deg'>


    Thanks in advance


    And I've tried several other variations without any luck.

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