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Mr. Shadow

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  1. aight thanks that dark throne is exactly what i am talkin about. so if i did wanna go into this how would i get a server and a database? and is PHP tha only thing i can use to code it or are there more?
  2. i dunno how many of you have seen online text based RPG games but if ya have do you know that is used to code them??? cause i'd like to make one but if i were to ask one of tha coders in tha games i play he'd just think i'mma try to hack it. so if ya know could ya tell me?
  3. thanks my man when i get tha time to try it i'll tell ya how it goes, BTW that is an awesome avatar. also what is CSS i know it's cascading style sheets but what...is it i guess
  4. so not that i don't know or anything ...but what is a scrollable div and how do i use it?
  5. ok i want to know how i can do this:make one web page containing these three things plus a BG image, tha part that says "links here" i wanna have a scroll bar that only moves tha links down. is there anyway i can do that w/o creating multiple pages and putting tha same bg image tag like 3 times or what. if i dind't explaine good enough feel free to PM me or reply to what i got
  6. never mind that last post i get it now. thanks alot for tha help
  7. my bad i worded that wrong i meant how could i get tha txt and pics and whatever else in tha frames????
  8. <html><frameset rows="50%,50%"><frame src="frame_a.htm"><frameset cols="25%,75%"><frame src="frame_b.htm"><frame src="frame_c.htm"></frameset></frameset></html> with this HTML where exactly do i insert text and pics and other HTML???
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