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Everything posted by anggwaponi

  1. is it okay to learn SQL without touching Php? ... i mean i'm only interested of SQL as i start to learn about our dialer system ;)
  2. hello justsomeguy πŸ˜‰ and hi davej ☺️ at the moment, i'm using Windows 7 in which it's the reason i'm more into DOS commands 😐 i just need to finish this program so at least i have my own customize monitoring system lol 😎
  3. hi all need help or workaround regarding some short DOS programs using batch files πŸ˜‡ actually, it's about adding some colors in a batch file i created in which i think i have achieved switching color every after IP address however, my problem it will completely changed the color of the previous IP address being ping using the now present color-assigned to the current IP address i just want is to retain the color of the previous IP address being ping @echo off :beginning ping -n 7 color 9 ping -n 7 color 3 ping -n 7 color 6 goto beginning
  4. hello niche and i'm just wondering as i'm not that consistent user with sql and i accept the fact also that i haven't keep track of the updates and versions or releases of sql, can you give me an idea like a "time travel"-format for the changes in sql ... please besides, if i'm into old school for using escapes codes, what or how is the current sql runs this days? hope you can enlighten me of my inquiry (as i'm really curious and interested to know ... nothing more nothing less) cheer!
  5. hi niche thanks for the hint, and i've tried that p tag ... however, can you give me more idea about that " ... old fashion printer escape codes ... ". sorry really, but i've been wondering how to do such thing (or perhaps i may just know it but only on the different terms you used) any way, i've attached here a screenshot about the sql computes or syntax i want to be in italic font style. i'm not just sure as to what kind of application or programs it's being edit but most probably into like powerbuilder. hope it will give you also some clue in "A", it's the Formula-field i input the syntax or computes. and in "B", i'll click the "Verify-button" to check if the computes / syntax as Formula i entered is right. and "C" will be the popup message whether it's accepted or bad command line well, seems like i'm truly back into sql now. i just hope that it will be the start of a progressive learning on my part (wish me luck) cheers!
  6. hi niche i'm not so familiar with CSS but what i do know is that the syntax that i gave is the source that will be displayed in the pharmacy drug label. actually, using powerbuilder application ... i can make it italicized from it's Properties-window. it is now what i've been doing to set the whole computes into italic so it will show an italicized line once converted in it's finished form as the label will be printed Zebra-printer however, as i said earlier that only the 2nd part ( if ( isnull( brand_drug ) , ' ', ' ' + brand_drug ) i want to italicized. i can make the part or create a box for 'W/F: ' + and set it to text window to maintain it's font style. but it's too taxing as i will separate them first then manipulate it's contents we can force the word in the sentence to be in all capital format so their would be a chance that label will be italicized cheers!
  7. hello all how to make italicize the fonts or make the words in italics in the following computes: 'W/F: ' + if ( isnull( brand_drug ) , ' ', ' ' + brand_drug ) i only want to make the part if ( isnull( brand_drug ) , ' ', ' ' + brand_drug ) in italics and to maintain the font style for 'W/F: ' cheers!
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