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Everything posted by hisoka

  1. hisoka

    debugger for php

    Like firebug console is a debugger for JavaScript , is there a simple debugger for PHP that shows the errors I make in a PHP code ?
  2. hisoka

    no error is shown

    When I tried to run this code , nothing happens and I did not see any error not even in the log error file What is the matter ? I cannot see anything <?php ini_set('display_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL); $string = "<script>"; echo strip_tags($string); ?>
  3. Plus sign is used in php for making white space. So How to make php echo white space between two strings using plus sign . For example : <?php $string = "hello"; $string1= "world"; echo $string+$string1; ?> I need a result as this hello world But how ?
  4. thank you it was useful for me plus it helped find other sites like it . However I cannot find an explanation to this ^[^g-z0-9A-Z] Could you please provide me with a string that match the regular expression above and explain to me what does two caret TOGETHER one inside outside the bracket do because I could not find an explanation in the internet?
  5. I would like to know a method or a good article or a book that helps me understand the meaning of some regular expressions like these for example : ("^[^e-z0-9A-Z]+[^A-Z]{6}{?[a-z]*_?") ("^(x|y|l|n)+[^A-Za-df-qs-z]{5}{?[^vCXBhq]*[^pqrst]*[a]+[^index]*}?")
  6. what about this : var temp = 40; if (temp < 70) { if (temp < 30) { console.log("< 30"); } else { console.log(" between 30 and 70"); } } in comparison with this var x = "b"; var y = "a"; var z = "c"; if(x==y) { if(x==z) { console.log( "equal"); } else { console.log("not equal"); } } They are approximately the same . The first gives between 30 and 70 as a result meanwhile the other gives undefined ???!
  7. very good explanation So console.log() is never being called in the code above . Could you please tell me how we can call it ?
  8. "You will see messages from the program. Don't type that command into the "run" box, open a command prompt window and type it there. At a minimum when you use verbose it will print status messages." I wrote :...... is useless because I know exactly how to work from the cmd and I worked with many.... by that I meant that I did not type the command in the run box but in the cmd and although I used - verbose in my command in cmd , I did not get an error Anyway thank you
  9. "So , of course Besides the fact that putting an empty array in front of main is wrong because a value cannot be in the form "string[]"" is this true or wrong ?
  10. "first because that code does not return anything" it will return either equal or not equal !!! is not it ? Could you please explain ? "From the look of that code, it should never write anything to the console because x is not equal to y" but there is the else { console.log("not equal"); } so normally if they are not equal then the condition is false and else block is executed . Thus , normally, the console log should print " not equal" what do you think ?
  11. My purpose is to decode the data above . I am not interested in learning the algorithm . I would like to know if the program you gave me in the link has something wrong or I am making the error by using it in the wrong way . Your last message which begins by "If you're not opening a command prompt first" ..... is useless because I know exactly how to work from the cmd and I worked with many program from cmd like john the ripper for example , telnet , ftp and so on so I know what I am doing . When I wrote you the message I expected you to open the scrdec18-VC8.exe in your computer and try yourself to decode the data I posted but as you did not do it , then you will not understand what I mean in my previous message to you . Would you please try to look , as you are helping me , or you do not want to look ?
  12. in this script var x = "b"; var y = "a"; var z = "c"; if(x==y) { if(x==z) { console.log( "equal"); } else { console.log("not equal"); } } console.log should print in the screen "not equal " but instead it gives me " undefined" . Why it gives undefined instead of printing "not equal" ? and how to make it print "not equal"?
  13. I download the compiled version in this page : https://gist.github.com/bcse/1834878 which is scrdec18-VC8.exe but it did not work this is the data that should be decoded : #@~^pwEAAA==W!x^DkKxP^WTrxvPWWM:~b@& @&i&z,?+D~OtP!/nDUCs+~l [PalddSWD[~7l.km8^+d@&d7lD,EknD lh+,'~WKD:c;/DR7CsE@&i\CD~2m/dhK.N,'~WKD: 2m/dR7C^En@&@&izz,Z4nm0P;/DUCs+PmUN,wlkdAWMNcP@&drW,`~`,;/DUCs+Pxx,?ODbUTRWMWsZtmD;GN`~FZvSq8F~8TcBFFZSqFZ~8 qPb~*P'[,cPalddSWD[~{'~?D.bxLc0MW:;tm.ZKNn`,FT{BF!8S,R~,FS1%,#,#~#@&7P@&7dknY:khnKEYc~rVGmmObWUcDwVmmcPEJQwm/dAKDN3ERatwE~bir~,!~#I@&i8@&ds/@&7`@&ddCsDO`,EIW;,lM+PSDKUocJ~#p@&7N@&8A3wAAA==^#~@ I put it in html file called code.html for input and another empty html file called decode.html then use the command like this : scrdec18-VC8 code.html decode.html -htmldec -verbose -dumb in cmd windows press enter there was no error but when I opened the decode.html to see the result it was empty as I created it the first time . Could you try it Justsomeguy and tell me what am I missing ?
  14. full path disclosure exploit can reveal secret information under some conditions : The site should be vulnerable to local file inclusion and allow_url_include and allow_url_fopen should be on . It is all about file inclusion exploit
  15. thank you Justsomeguy for this reply . it is simple and clear
  16. Could you please tell me how can I defined it ?
  17. It gives an error . I tried something else first I made two php files . One is called macho.php and the other is spencer.php in macho.php I put some little php code like this : <?php echo "good"; ?> then save it as php and in spencer.php I put this code : <?php ini_set('display_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL); $file = macho.php; include($_GET[file]); ?> then save it in the same directory as macho.php and run it like this localhost/spencer.php?file=macho.php and the result was "good" . It is local file inclusion and the macho.php was processed by spencer.php Now when I did like this localhost/spencer.php?file[]= I got an error : This error provides a hacker with directories that he is not supposed to see . This is what happens when the code is not secure enough and vulnerable
  18. I am not asking for the algorithm , I am asking for a program or a decoder that I can download or that I can use online to decode for me . Speaking about the program you gave me in C . It is an open source code in raw data . How can I use it . I am lost What are the steps to use the program you gave me in C ?
  19. All what you did is evaluating and criticizing the little code above which is , absolutely , not what I asked for . My question was what is the difference between a normal program and a hard coded program? if we take in consideration that even a normal program has a data that is directly embedded in it like the little program above shows . Please confine yourself to the question and answer exactly what I am asking for
  20. what is the difference between these two values var string = "number"; var string = document.number.value ; ?? PS : I made a mistake when writing the title . I wanted to say difference between two values sorry
  21. very good . So , of course Besides the fact that putting an empty array in front of main is wrong because a value cannot be in the form "string[]" , here page is the variable and main is its value like this page[main] and therefore the array cannot be attributed to main otherwise to page . However I still cannot understand why when attributing an empty array to page , the server get confused and show an error which can be the user or pass or both or an error that a hacker can exploit ??!!
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