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Everything posted by DIY-Forum

  1. Hello again, I have another question; when I enter the % manually, then it works, why is that? Like, when I enter solar%panel it finds solar panel, but when i enter solarpanel it dont? why is a manually "wildcard" solar%panel readable but a function inputing solar%panel not readable? :s function moreWords($val){$val = str_replace(" ","%", $val);echo $val;}morewords("solar panel"); will output solar%panel, and should return the same value when sent as a string through the return $val i use? but it don't.. I really find it tempting to ask users to enter a % when searching with multiplie words.. though people might find that as an unpleasant user experience?
  2. Yes i am, very nice! Thanks
  3. Nice. then I got that right Thanks
  4. Ok, then I'll do that! Thank you very much for your quick response I only know of the escape string, and I've heard some people use strip and add slashes, but don't know if I need to do that with esacpe string? do you have any tips?
  5. Okey! Thanks Would the easiest way to do that be putting the words in an array and do a for each? Kris
  6. Hello everyone, I did try to search alot for an answer on this one, but I could not find it anywhere. I'm trying to have a simple search feature for my site, but I keep getting a blank page when doing a search containing multiplie words "like this" Tried to work it out with a str_replace but did not do the trick, have done this before, and it does work when just outputing the val as an echo instead of a query, so I'm blank now and appreciate any help! //function for replacing empty space with % function moreWords($val){$val = str_replace(" ","%", $val);return $val;} //Query$getCategoriesResults = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `database`.`forumCategories` WHERE description LIKE '%".moreWords($_GET['search'])."%'");
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