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Everything posted by Chocolate570

  1. Nope, I screwed up the edit of my edit. It's in MB/s. You've got a bad connection :)Sorry for the confusion. It's all in KBPS and MB/sec (kilobytes per sec and megabytes per sec)
  2. Shoot--I messed up my edit. I'm sorry, the whole list is in Mbps. (megabits per second)
  3. I've got a 12mbps connection Well, download speeds anyway. Your upload may be faster
  4. Even the non-inline CSS code works in FireFox 1.5 and 2.0.
  5. Hey guys,Just wondering what your internet speeds are, out of curiosity.If you don't know yours, you can either write what type of service you get (Like DSL or Dialup or Cable) or you can go here and get your stats. Just copy and paste the stuff underneath the test when you're done with it. So, what's your speed? -Choco
  6. Yea, IPB does have the custom bbcode options. But how would you code syntax highlighting for over 20 languages? Does anyone have the time to do so?
  7. Definitely Scriptaculous. Most amazing thing I've ever seen.
  8. When it comes to mods, we did a pretty good job spreading them around (well, not use. It just happens to be so.) the world, so we get more coverage than the average forum. It doesn't take too many mods--it takes less overlapping of mod times and more time coverage. We really don't need any mods. We're fine right now--it's not like we keep up at night thinking about the spam we're going to see in the morning. At least I don't. :)What we really need to think of is how to stop the spam. And we're doing a pretty good job with that too. We're doing okay. We should wait till next year before even thinking of another mod. Maybe when the member list hits 10000.
  9. Many members do that. Don't worry about it. :)It is slightly misleading, but unfortunately, the moderators and admins feel that an offtopic section would lead this forum's main topic, web building, astray.
  10. I'm on every day at 6:45-7:25 in the morning, eastern time. I'll start looking for spam in that time frame
  11. Custom scrollbars are IE only, so I don't reccomend you use them. But if it's a must, then try visiting this page, as it seems to be generating valid code, or at least code as valid as ie-only code can become.
  12. Anything that doesn't pertain to web programming can be stuck in the general forum, as long as it's not advertising and follows the rules stickied at the top of every forum.
  13. Sure. Just give me a little time, k? I'm slightly busy with, coincidentally, some other invisionfree codes. :)I'll post when I've got it.
  14. If by 'plugin' you mean the MIDAS mozilla object, yes. http://www.mozilla.org/editor/midasdemo/http://www.mozilla.org/editor/midas-spec.html
  15. I don't think it would be a bad idea to put these at the top of a forum. It wouldn't take too long, and people can keep submitting their tips.
  16. So you want it in that format? So that you could do something like this:x[0]=["radio station link","radio station name","radio station description","genre"]And it'll replace the current tables with only the ones thats' stations start with the letter you choose?I can change the code so it does that.
  17. Chocolate570


    I don't bother making a good site for myself because I know it'll never live up to the standards I have. When you're making something for other people, you're going with their instructions, what they want, and as long as they're happy, you don't care. But when you're making something for yourself, you want it well done, or you'll feel disappointed. So I just stick with other people's stuff.
  18. You just add more things to the array. For example, if I also wanted to add the words "lol", "hel", and "choc", I'd do this: See? :)Now if we do this underneath:alert(sort("h"));It'll alert this:
  19. Here: <script type="text/javascript">function sort(let) { x=[]; //This array contains all of the words. y=[]; //This will, at the end of the script, contain all words beginning with the variable let out of the array x. x[0]="hello" //Element num 1... x[1]="helo" //num 2... x[2]="ff" //num 3... for(i=0;i<x.length;i++) { //Looping through the array... if(x[i].substr(0,1).toLowerCase()==let) { //This checks if the letter at space 1 in the string is equal to the let... y[y.length]=x[i]; //If so, add it to the y variable... } } return y; //Send y to whoever's calling this thing...}</script> Basically, now if you do this:x=sort("a");The variable x, now an array, will contain all of the array elements that start with a. Is that what you'd like?
  20. I found this page to be very helpful.
  21. You'd have to loop through all of the names. While in the loop, substring the first letter of the current name out. Check if it is the letter you're trying to sort. If it is, add it to an array.At the end of the loop, just display all of the array elements.
  22. And almost no one uses explorer mac, so you can warn them if they are that your site wont work well.
  23. innerHTML is very much a web standard :)The innerHTML of an element is a property which contains all of the HTML inside the element.For example,<p>blahblahblah<b>blka</b></p>If you retrieved the innerHTML of the p element, you'd get:blahblahblah<b>blka</b>Hope that helps. :)Choco
  24. From what I can see, everything is working fine. I just commented out the HTML comments in the javascript. That made it work like a charm.And nice AI. I can't win :)seekond.com/scripts/tictac.txtYour code is located there, fixed. I didn't want to paste it here...it gets screwed up by IPB.Hope that helps. :)Choco
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