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  1. I have this: <section class="w3-half w3-container"> <h2 class="w3-center">Further Education</h2> <div class="w3-card-4"> <h3 class="w3-container w3-theme-l1" style="margin-bottom:0">Books</h3> <p class="w3-theme-l1 w3-container" style="margin-top:0;padding-top:1em">These books belong on the shelf of every serious student of pensions. Lowenstein's book is easily accessible to the general reader, while Ryan's and Waring's books are more technical.</p> <ul class="w3-ul"> <li><a class="w3-button" href="https://www.amazon.com/While-America-Aged-Bankrupted-Financial/dp/0143115383/">Roger Lowenstein: While America Aged</a></li> <li><a class="w3-button" href="http://www.ryanalm.com/Portals/0/newsletters/ThePesionCrisisBook.pdf">Ronald J. Ryan: The U.S. Pension Crisis</a></li> <li><a class="w3-button" href="https://www.amazon.com/Pension-Finance-Putting-Defined-Benefit/dp/1118106369/">M. Barton Waring: Pension Finance</a></li> </ul> </section> When the page is resized, the paragraph text stays inside the card, but the anchor text extends beyond it, which looks very ugly. I've tried setting class="w3-container" on each <a>, playing with the style word-wrap and ellipsis settings, but nothing has really helped. Any suggestions gratefully received. Thanks, Scott
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