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  1. Please help justsomeguy, from my diagram it is to apply the Depth First Search algorithm, preferably starting from node (M01 ... M21) or from root (S01 ... S65)
  2. Once again, thank you justsomeguy, this structure for the user table in this case the student: CREATE TABLE `siswa` ( `id_siswa` int(5) NOT NULL, `nis` varchar(12) NOT NULL, `nama_siswa` varchar(20) NOT NULL, `tpt_lahir` varchar(150) DEFAULT NULL, `tgl_lahir` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `agama` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, `kelamin` enum('laki-laki','perempuan') NOT NULL, `kelas` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, `jurusan` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, `alamat_siswa` text NOT NULL, `telpon_siswa` varchar(12) NOT NULL, `email` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `username` varchar(20) NOT NULL, `password` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `photo` varchar(100) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; this is the sutruktur admin table as well as counseling tutors: CREATE TABLE `admin` ( `id_admin` int(5) NOT NULL, `nama_lengkap` varchar(20) NOT NULL, `nip` varchar(12) NOT NULL, `kelamin` enum('laki-laki','perempuan') NOT NULL, `telpon` varchar(12) NOT NULL, `alamat` text NOT NULL, `gelar` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `tempat_lahir` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `tanggal_lahir` date NOT NULL, `agama` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `email` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `photo` longblob, `username` varchar(20) NOT NULL, `password` varchar(100) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; this table structure causes (causes of student problems) : CREATE TABLE `sebab` ( `id_sebab` int(10) NOT NULL, `kode_sebab` varchar(10) NOT NULL, `kode_masalah` varchar(10) NOT NULL, `kode_solusi` varchar(10) NOT NULL, `sebab` varchar(500) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; this table structure problem (student problem): CREATE TABLE `masalah` ( `id_masalah` int(10) NOT NULL, `kode_masalah` varchar(10) NOT NULL, `masalah` varchar(500) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; these table structure solutions (solutions to problems that students face): CREATE TABLE `solusi` ( `id_solusi` int(10) NOT NULL, `kode_solusi` varchar(10) NOT NULL, `kode_masalah` varchar(10) NOT NULL, `solusi` varchar(500) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; this table structure counseling (save the results of student counseling): CREATE TABLE `konseling` ( `id_konseling` int(10) NOT NULL, `kode_konseling` varchar(10) NOT NULL, `kode_masalah` varchar(10) NOT NULL, `tgl_konselling` date NOT NULL, `id_siswa` varchar(10) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
  3. Thank you justsomeguy for the correct response that you say, I explain a little bit, I have the table sebab(S) to save the causes of problems that are often faced by students according to the Counseling Guidance expert, table masalah (M) to save the problem data according to expert Counseling Guidance and table solusi (SL) for the solution of the problem according to expert Bimbinga Counseling. When students consult, students are given a question of cause of the problem ie (S01..S65 = root) after which the student is notified of the problem (M01 ... M21 = node) and the solution (SL01 ... SL21) based on the student's problem. Please help me, I am in a state of confusion should start from where, if there is a more practical idea I am very appreciative and grateful.
  4. Hello, Please help, how to implement the Depth First Search algorithm into PHP MyQsli. I have a table: - problem - because - solution The DFS diagram I attached. thank you
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