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  1. I am fairly new at this so please be patient. I have read guides but havent been able to figure this little thing out.I would like to make the font in one of my table cells one color and the font in another table cell the other. But I only know how to change them both to the same thing. Here is what I have:<style type="text/css">body { font-family: Arial; color: white }h1 { color: Black }</style>I would like to know how to make two different body colors. The text is in a table if that helps. Here is the entire page I have so far:<html><head><title>Drew's HomePage</title></head><body bgcolor="black"><style type="text/css">body { font-family: Arial; color: white }h1 { color: Black }</style><table border="1" width="100%"><!-- HEADING TITLE AND ADS AND BANNERS HERE --><tr><td colspan="3" height="90" bgcolor="maroon"><h1 align="center"><b>Drew's HomePage</h1></b></td></tr><!-- HEADING TITLE AND ADS AND BANNERS HERE --></font><!-- LINKS AND ALL STUFF ON LEFT HERE --><tr> <td width="25%" bgcolor="tan" height="500" valign="top">Stuff<br />More Stuff<br />Can you<br />Believe it<br />More stuff</td><!-- LINKS AND ALL STUFF ON LEFT HERE --></font><!-- ALL MAIN BODY STUFF HERE --><td width="75%" valign="top" bgcolor="black">THIS IS WHERE ALL MY CONTENT GOES I THINK I HOPE I THINK I FIGURED THIS CRAP OUT!!!</td><!-- ALL MAIN BODY STUFF HERE --></tr></table></html>The notes are to myself so I dont lose track of things. This is just a practice page so dont make fun of it. Im just practicing. Thanks for any help.Drew
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