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Posts posted by ruitertje

  1. I have come this far:


    What is missing is the menu getting to (display:none), the moment the width gets medium or small.


    Of cause, mediaqueries  . . .

    Now I will make the menu get over the content, then I am at the same point that the examples had
    I used before where the menu is positioned fixed.
    Putting the problem in words is a part of the solution!


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  2. Hi,

    I have been searching for a solution to have a responsive full-width image in a header-div and
    a left sidebar-menu that stays underneath the header.
    When on small screens the menu should toggle in and out, covering the content below the header.

    All examples I found use a position:fixed for the sidebar covering-up the header for a part.

    I am using w3.css and am experimenting with w3-hide-small with no luck.

    Any hint?




  3. Responsive Navigation,

    this example

     <div class="w3-bar w3-black">
      <a href="#" class="w3-bar-item w3-button">Home</a>
      <a href="#" class="w3-bar-item w3-button">Link 1</a>
      <a href="#" class="w3-bar-item w3-button">Link 2</a>
      <a href="#" class="w3-bar-item w3-button">Link 3</a>

    gives me a menu of 100% width on a 1920px width full HD screen with text centered.

    I tried it on Firefox and Chrome, it happens on both.

    What did I do wrong?



  4. It is possible when you copy all code for

    .w3-dropdown-hover .w3-dropdown-content  to another level like

    .w3-dropdown-hover1 .w3-dropdown-content1

    .w3-dropdown-hover2 .w3-dropdown-content2



    I only need to give a leftmargin of 2em or more to keep seeing the underlying menu.

    The first test localy is functioning, so I can nao build it into the template.



  5. Hi,

    I have rebuild a smarty-template that produces a menu from the cms-database.

    It can handle multiple levels for the navigation.

    I have it almost working the only thing is that alle dropdowns are opened upon the first level hover.

    It can be seen at http://c-m-s.pw/index.php?page=testen_w3css

    My question, is it possible to use hover for multiple level dropdowns?

    I cannot use "on click" because the toplevel is also a link to a page.


    Any ideas how to solve this?



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