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  1. Hello! I have been looking through the forums for the right way to do this, but nothing seems to be working. I have very little experience with CSS, and am only learning now, so I am not sure if maybe what I wan requires more than just simple CSS. This is the website I am working on - https://stevemcgill.com/ I currently have this 'additional CSS' installed on the above page, but I can not get the header to go full-width. a{ background-color: #363636; border-bottom-style: solid; } li.hurdlers-hurdler a{ border-bottom-color: coral} li.art-hurdling a{ border-bottom-color: aqua} li.wip a{ border-bottom-color: blue} li.poet a{ border-bottom-color: orange} li.essays a{ border-bottom-color: green} li.stories a{ border-bottom-color: yellow} li.dreams a{ border-bottom-color: violet} li.meditation a{ border-bottom-color: pink} li.shorter-w a{ border-bottom-color: red} I am trying to get the look of the header on https://nicholassparks.com/ Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
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