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  1. frozentree


    ooo icic....just as i thought too. if like that..then i just have to use xsl rite? ok,i understand now. Thanks for sharing some infomation with me , dude. i really appreciate it!
  2. frozentree


    i try to implement yr hints but still the same problem.. well that info u gave me is for file.xml .. for fileone.htm ,, i try to follow up with it.. this is fileone.htm <html><body><xml id="coins" src="file.xml"></xml><table border="1" datasrc="#coins"><tr><td> <span datafld="g:sea"></span> </td><td> <span datafld="g:air"></span> </td></tr></table></body></html> this is file.xml <power xmlns:g="http://www.omg.com" xmlns:e="http://www.bom.com"> <g:unit> <g:sea>battleship</g:sea> <e:land> <e:grass>soldier</e:grass> <e:platoo>flame gas</e:platoo> </e:land> <g:air>stealth bomber</g:air> </g:unit></power> is there anything wrong in this script? i wonder why too.
  3. frozentree


    i try using the corretion u gave me but it still aint working la...
  4. i am very confuse at this tutorial lesson bout cookies.. i try creating one but it dint work out...i would like to understand the most simple cookies first then only take a look at w3school example of cookies. i try to understand this <script language="JavaScript"><!--function set_it(){ var thename= window.prompt("What is your name?",""); var the_text="name="+thename+"&"; var toexpire= new Date("March 15, 2008"); var expdate="expires="+toexpire.toGMTString(); the_text+=expdate; var newtext=escape(the_text); document.cookie=newtext;}function read_it(){ if (document.cookie) { var mycookie=document.cookie; var fixed_cookie= unescape(mycookie); var thepairs= fixed_cookie.split("&"); var pair1= thepairs[0]; var pair2= thepairs[1]; var namevalue1= pair1.split("="); window.alert("Welcome, "+namevalue[1]+"!"); } else { set_it(); }}read_it();//--></SCRIPT> this din work..nothing happen when i try 2 examine it... wat is wrong? cant understand cookies at all... would somebody lend me a hand here? thanks
  5. frozentree


    hi, i`m very new to XML n i just finish with xml namespace tutorial.. i dint read the Xsl or xslt yet... i have make an experiment / research or test here. <power> <g:unit xmlns:g="http://www.omg.com"> <g:sea>battleship</g:sea> <g:air>stealth bomber</g:air> </g:unit></power> this works! but.. when i add some more.. <power> <g:unit xmlns:g="http://www.omg.com"> <g:sea>battleship</g:sea> <e:land xmlns:e="http://www.bom.com"> <e:grass>soldier</e:grass> <e:platoo>flame gas</e:platoo> </e:land> <g:air>stealth bomber</g:air> </g:unit></power> its not working!!! what is happening? somebody give me some help please? tips may help too! thanks !!
  6. i find it difficult to understand this tutorial on events.<html><body><script type="text/javascript">function noNumbers(e){var keynumvar keycharvar numcheckif(window.event) // IE{keynum = e.keyCode}else if(e.which) // Netscape/Firefox/Opera{keynum = e.which}keychar = String.fromCharCode(keynum)numcheck = /\d/return !numcheck.test(keychar)}</script><form><input type="text" onkeydown="return noNumbers(event)" /></form></html>the line " numcheck=/ \ d / " got me spinning in the head. " / \ d / " mean what?? please guide me ....... " d" means date?? or data?
  7. hai guys ........here again. this time i hv a question 2 ask u. this command---> window.open() .... can it create frameset? or do i have to make a frameset page first n name it frameset.htm? after tat i will do like this.. theFrame=' <html> <frameset rows="50%,50%"> <frame src="frameset.htm"> <frameset rows> <frame src="exit.htm">' theLeaf= window.open('frameset.htm','', 'height=200') document.write(theFrame) document.close()i dont think window.open can have frameset embeded in. what u guys think? any opinion??thanks!!!
  8. i got a problem here..but it dint work...i wonder why? any1 can help me? thks man<html><head><script type="text/javascript">function Prototype (){ rental=prompt("Type the word",""); }document.form.box2.value=rental</script><body onload="Prototype()"><form name="form"><input type=text name="box2" ></form></body></html>
  9. i have notice this.......switch statement Only works with document.bgcolor and .write.....is this true??
  10. thanks all of u guys!! it really help me a lot.
  11. if can make this happen....then how do i call the main function ---> function name() followed by function age() ?? i try this<head><script type="text/javascript">function watchtree(a,b,c,d){ winter= a+b+c-d ; function ball(winter) { return(winter) }}</script></head><body>document.write(watchtree(ball(2,2,2,2)))</body>
  12. erm.....can anyone help me here? am having problem with the .......function.guys, trying so hard but cant think of anything anymore that need to repair this script. me try to make the input value and when u click the second button. it should show the output value. well i did follow some example but wanna see how far it can go somemore.<html><head><script type="text/javascript">function mainpart (text){ref="0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-~ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"result="" ;for(kira=0;kira<text.length;kira++){firstrow=text.substring(kira,kira+1) secondrow=ref.indexOf(firstrow) thirdrow=ref.substring(secondrow+1,secondrow+2) result+=thirdrow}function extendedpart(gg){return (document.grass.magic.value=result)}}</script></head><body><form name="grass">check this::<input type=text name="text"><input type=button value="send" onclick="mainpart (document.grass.text.value)"><br>appear here::<input type=text name="magic"><input type=button value="recieving" onclick="extendedpart(document.grass.magic.value)"></form></body></html>
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