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Everything posted by dsonesuk

  1. The left:-9999px; is important to hide/show the submenu. the text-indent is puzzling as it is usually used for the same purpose, OR to hide anchor link text, when a image with text is used for the links, so seo can see the links but is hiding from the view of the user only, but this usually targets the text within a span element. display: inline; gives the same result as float: left; text-align: center; used for li elements, will only work for centring the submenus text, as the anchors have a fixed of width:130px;, whereas the top menu width is determined by content ie the text and padding of the anchor link, therefore no left right spacing the center. first thing i would suggest is zeroing padding, margin, and text-indent, this will help the menu to show identical in all browsers #subnav ul, #subnav li {margin:0; padding: 0; text-indent: 0; list-style-type: none;} you will have to reset the margin for parent ul #subnav ul {margin: 16px 0; /* reset margins for parent ul element*/float: left; /* float left, on its own will force the width to be determined by content */width: 100%; /* forces width to be that of the parent container element */} You can either give the top parent menu a fixed width that is wide enough to accommodate all link text and padding; #subnav li a {color: #526b91;display: block;font-family: 'Courier New', 'Arial','Sans Serif';font-size: 12px;padding: 8px 18px 6px 18px;position: relative;text-decoration: none;/*text-indent: -9999px;*/width: 120px;/*added by dsonesuk*/} OR just adjust padding #subnav li a {color: #526b91;display: block;font-family: 'Courier New', 'Arial','Sans Serif';font-size: 12px;padding: 8px 25px 6px 25px;position: relative;text-decoration: none;/*text-indent: -9999px;*/}
  2. try adding name attributes Name : <input type="text" id="name" name="name"> <br/> Email : <input type="text" id="email" name="email" > <br/> Address: <input type="text" id="address" name="address" >
  3. Phorrgh! can you smell that! it's not dog, and its definitely not horse, ahhh i know what it is, of course... it's B#LLS#!T
  4. Usually font without tails, (whatever you call them) as in Arial, Verdana, Helvetica compared to styles similar to Times New Roman for instance.
  5. ??? What the ###### is going on here? Its like a epidemic id="name" name="Site_Name"id="url" name="Site_URL"id="desc" name="Description" YES! //must match form "name" attribute$var1 = $_POST['Site_Name'];$var2 = $_POST['Site_Url'];$var3 = $_POST['Description']; YES! LASTLY taken from edu whatever original code where apparently he used same names for column names $sql="INSERT INTO links (Site_Name, Site_URL, Description)VALUES('$var1','$var2','$var3 ')"; YES! I'm off the get inoculated, cause i definitely don't want this
  6. What is the html code? you should have if context box width 600px; Note: you have to allow for left right padding and reduce image by these #img_content {width:600px; margin: 0 auto; background-color:#FF0099; text-align:center;}#img_content img {padding:10px 5px;max-width: 590px;max-height: 100%;} <div id="img_content"><img src="../dsonesosprey.jpg" /></div>
  7. Even Forest Gump knew to eat the the god damn chocolates in his mouth, not up his A@#E.
  8. OMG! its nothing to do with method="post" that is fine! ITS TO DO WITH THE NAME USED WITH INPUTS COMPARED TO NAME USED IN $_POST LOOK!
  9. dsonesuk


    "You're travelling through Eduard dimension, a dimension made of havoc and confusion of mind; a journey into a terrifying land whose boundaries are unbelievably small. That's the signpost up ahead---your next stop the Eduard Groundhog Zone." I so wish i could add the Twilight Zone theme tune, to this
  10. NO! it makes it far easier when you close ',", (, [, { in whatever native language.
  11. I think that the 'continue;' is causing to miss an important loop to identify the rowcount and colcount it is currently on , so as far as it knows its reached the total of number required, so it ends prematurely.
  12. You can make image any size you want as long as the image is square, then go to http://www.favicon.co.uk/ to shrink it down to a size usable as a favicon, but it will probably not turn out as wanted, because of minimising from 800 x 800 to 32 x 32, as you a trying to get a large image content into a minuet 32 x 32 pixel image comparison.
  13. It will always be a bit difficult to come up with a clear image at 16 x 16px or at 32 x 32 pixels.
  14. The problem isn't the language problem as the code will be the same, its how you add the code you are always missing quotes(single or double) brackets etc unless you remember this and type the code correctly! it will cause it to break whatever language you read it in.
  15. Well since i mentioned while, foreach loops, and variables within them! seriously, what do you think, i put them in there for decoration. AND why! have you changed echo "<td>{$field->Site_Name}</td>"; ??? read and understand http://www.w3schools.com/php/func_mysql_fetch_field.asp
  16. This is why you should not copy and paste code into another unless you first understand the code, and how to integrate into existing code as No! $k is not a reference to column 'Site_Name' it reference all columns to retrieve each value from each row using a foreach loop. So it should be reference to the while loop variable which loops through ALL THE COLUMN values, and $cell should be the AS variable within the foreach loop.
  17. ?????????? its was nothing to do with ), { or ] look! i am not telling where the problem is, as its in plain sight!
  19. NO! the problem is here $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM links AS it is not properly closed, so the code after IT is taken as being part of it, that is why when it point to an error at $fields_num = mysql_num_fields($result); it usually means the code before it as in // sending query$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM linksif (!$result) {die("Query to show fields from table failed");} with the unclosed SQL query statement mentioned. the other errors are here foreach($k as $m)echo "<td>$cell</td>"; OK! $m is treated AS $k, but! what the h-e-l-l is $k in the first place, and after that what the h-e-l-l is $cell a reference to? if you can't provide the answers, its definitely is not going to, but it must be giving these values to function properly, else surprise, surprise it will fail.
  20. Alright! YES and NO, depending on what the ###### you are talking about, that's what trying to figure out? Image of database can only be a print screen of mysql console, or phpmyadmin showing databases, tables so yes! thats possible, and yes! it can be shown on your website , creating a link from thst imsge to a working database in my portfolio without using phpmyadmin? Yes! you can create a link from image, but NO! it won't be to a working database as it will link to a PHP application that will interact with a mysql database. definite a YES! as you wouldn't use phpmyadmin to create a link?? you would use html anchor link and also you would never enable anyone to access phpmyadmin through ANY page unless you enjoy having hackers reek havoc on your website. You can also use text file to store data, meaning yes! you can do without mysql and phpmyadmin, but you have to know how to read and write to a text file using php, WITHOUT any interface such as phpmyadmin to make it easy.
  21. Remember, unless you use exactly the same browser, exact number of top toolbars, status bars etc, same toolbar text image sizes, the real actual viewable screen size in one is not necessary going to show same in another.
  22. consider using px unit instead of %, the more/less text give different results.
  23. Not really locked as such, but you would restrict it reaching the situation where the elements it would start stacking, by applying for a fluid width site a min-width: for the outer container.
  24. If you wish to be taken seriously as a designer/developer of websites, then using a html table for your layout is the wrong way to go. Html tables should only be used as intended, to show rows of data in tabular format. You can lock the html content elements as well, without the use of going backward and using tables, which will be treated as a very amateurish method.
  25. ??? iconbar or iconslist, anyway changed it to iconbar for this, in this situation it would be easier to us jquery to hide the counter when icon hovered over $(document).ready(function(){$("#iconbar").hover(function(){$("#unread_container").hide()},function(){$("#unread_container").show();});}); The other way would be apply position: relative; to li elements then remove the image from anchor link element, and place it beside it so anchor element it is now empty, you then make the anchor links the same size as images, and use position: absolute to place these above the respective image, AND the counter by using a higher z-index,
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