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Newbie (1/7)



  1. Hi, Can anybody explain me with practical example when to go for “Abstract” class and when for “Interface”?
  2. Hi Firends, I hv to show the images(i.e pictures) in crystal report 11. But problem is that it show in different dimension.How to set this images to fixed sized, so it looks good.Regards,Prashant...
  4. Hi Friends, I hv to download the images using VB6. May u help me, plz?Regards,Prashant.........
  5. Hi Friends, I am working on login page with MSSQL in back end. I have to maintain case sensitivity in both User Name & password.How do i that with MSSQL? May u help me.Regards,Prashant.......
  6. Dear Friends, I write this code to set cookie. it works fine in IE , but not works in Mozilla. May u help me?This is my code.Imports System.DataImports System.Security.CryptographyImports System.Web.SecurityImports System.Data.SqlClientImports System.Web.SessionStatePartial Class _Default Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Dim myCookie As New HttpCookie("TestCookie") Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load If Not Request.Cookies("TestCookie") Is Nothing Then txtLogin.Text = Request.Cookies("TestCookie")("LoginName") End If End Sub Private Function Encrypt(ByVal val) Return FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(val, "MD5") End Function Protected Sub btnSubmit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click If Me.checkLogin(txtLogin.Text, Encrypt(txtPass.Text)) > 0 Then Response.Cookies.Clear() myCookie.Values.Add("LoginName", txtLogin.Text) myCookie.Expires = Now.Date.AddDays(1) Response.Cookies.Add(myCookie) End If End Sub Private Function checkLogin(ByVal login, ByVal password) As Integer Dim sqlParam As New SqlParameter Dim count As Integer With sqlParam .DbType = Data.DbType.Int32 .Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Output .ParameterName = "@Count" End With SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(Tools.GetConnectString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "up_CheckLogin", New SqlParameter("@Login", login), New SqlParameter("@Pass", password), sqlParam) count = Convert.ToInt32(sqlParam.Value) Return count End FunctionEnd Class
  7. Hi , this is my codeIf (objResources.CheckProjectResourcesExists() > 0) Then Response.Write("<script>alert('This record is already exist.'); "</script>") Else objResources.Save() End If
  8. Hi Friends, I face one problem. I am alerting a message(Javascript Alert) while there is duplicate entry. But when i click on 'ok' of javascript alert , my title's font-size changes , it becomes more than previous one. Why do this happen? May u help me.Regards,Prashant
  9. Hi friends, i hv to apply different colors to the character witin the same textbox. Like if i put '123456' in the textbox , '12' should be in 'Green','34' should be in 'red','56' should be in 'yellow'. Can this sholud be happened? If yes, please suggest.Awaiting....Regards.Prashant
  10. pr.nimbalkar

    Query String

    Dear Friends, if i use '#' in QueryString , why does it terminate parameter of QueryString after '#'?Like add.aspx?user=xyz&password=1254#12&mob=98541523. Then it terminate value & parameter after '#'.Why does it happen?MAy u help me?Regards,Prashant N
  11. Hi friends, i hv 2 textboxes of login & password & submit button. when i put password in textbox & press 'enter' key , the form is not submitted in the mozilla. How do i fix this bug? I used this script :onkeyup event of password textboxfunction setFoc(obj){ var keyValue = obj.keyCode; if(keyValue == 13){ document.getElementById("butLogin").focus(); //document.getElementById("butLogin").click(); // document.form1.submit(); return true; }}
  12. Hi friends, function changeVal(obj,val){ var i = val.indexOf("."); var l = val.substring(i,val.length); if(l.length > 2) { alert("There should be only one numeric value after the decimal point"); setTimeout('obj.focus();',1); return false; } }This script gives an error 'obj' not defined.How to fix this bug?
  13. Why does 'focus' function of javascript cann't work in Mozilla firefox?
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