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  1. I've said "Hi" before, but I'll make it a bit more official now. I'm getting back into web design after many years of on and off puttering. I was your classic Sci-Fi geek fan in high school and made ye olde Geocities page for all my fanfic, humor, filks and other insanity. I did another page for marching and concert band humor. In college I did a few others just for amusement. Always with free editors and hosting. Anyhoo, since the job market is more or less kaput. I thought I'd train myself in it again while I look for work. Give me an extra way to make some income, plus it's one of the few things I've enjoyed doing for 8hrs a day and that's no small thing! I didn't really have any start up capital since I'm unemployed, but my husband had gotten a copy of Expression Web 2 as a gift. So I'm learning on that! We also have a relatively recent edition of photoshop and that helps! It's mostly self study with the tutorials from Total Training that came with it (I later got the entire "Essentials" dvd training since I liked it so much.), E3, and other stuff I've picked up along the way. I'm most of the way through the first phase so I'm getting ready to start tinkering in earnest and hit the next section. (Funny how building entire websites with, for me, new tools like CSS is considered "tinkering" for me now. Yep, that's why I want to do this again! One of the few jobs, that I can actually potentially make money with, that I just find 'fun'. ) So...hi!
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