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About Demonwolf

  • Birthday 02/08/1987

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    South Africa

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  1. Thanks. I have tried adding the "from" into the call of mail. It is how I had it originally and it changed nothing. I went hunting for more logs and found something in the PHP logs that it is not connecting to the mail server at all. I think it may be my SMTP, I cannot telnet to that server on port 25.
  2. Hi all I have a MS Server 2008R2 set up with IIS7 In IIS I have set up an SMTP (with the IIS6 requirements) and the standard PHP that you get with it all. The SMTP server works. Reason we have to use a local SMTP server to interface with our actual mail server is because the external server requires TLS authentication and many smaller office scanning machines don't support it. I am able to send mail through the SMTP without issue, both from an office MFP and from a mail client like Outlook 2010. The PHP works too. I have it displaying PHP webpages and even going as far as accessing ODBC data resources. However, the two of them don't work together. I create a basic webpage that is as follows: <html><body> <?php if (mail("me@example.com","Test Subject","Test body")) {echo "success";} else {echo "failed";} ?></body><html> I also have the following in the PHP.ini I found in "C:\Program Files (x86)\PHP\v5.3\" [mail function]SMTP = localhostsmtp_port = 25sendmail_from = no-reply@example.com And yet, all I get is "failed" each time I have run the webpage. Anyone have any ideas on where I can get the PHP/SMTP/Other logs to give me more information? I have monitored the queue folder for the SMTP and it doesn't seem to even receive the mail from the PHP site.
  3. MAGIC! Thanks and sorry for the mistake.
  4. Thanks. That is an idea, however it doesn't seem to be working. Here is my full code. I tried to edit what you gave me and this is where i am now: <html> <head><title>Website</title><link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico" /><link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" /> <script type="text/javascript">function jsFilter(strInc){document.getElementByID("display").src = 'dbDisplay.php?month=' + strInc;}</script> </head> <body style="background-image:url('Background.png');background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:right top;background-color:#000066;color:#FFFFFF"> <form><input type="button" onclick="jsFilter('Jan2012')" value="Jan" /></form> <button type='button' onClick="document.getElementById('display').src='dbDisplay.php?month=feb' ">Feb</button> <button type='button' onClick="jsFilter('Mar')">Mar</button> <br /><iframe id="display" width="100%" height="65%" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" src="dbDisplay.php?month=All"></iframe> </body> </html> None of the 3 buttons do anything
  5. Hello I hope someone can help me. I have an internal website that hosts a support schedule. In short, people submit details via a form and it dumps it into an ODBC linked MS Access database. I also have a PHP page that retrieves all the tables from the database. I have a basic iframe calling it up as follows: <iframe name="display" width="100%" height="80%" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" src="dbDisplay.php?month=all"></iframe> If I create this <a href="dbDisplay.php?month=All" target="display">All</a><a href="dbDisplay.php?month=Jan" target="display">Jan</a><a href="dbDisplay.php?month=Feb" target="display">Feb</a> This creates clickable links on the page that work in affecting the PHP-calling iframe. In the PHP I can use the $_GET['month'] to call up the item I have clicked on. How do I get the links to be buttons? I have tried the following: <button href="dbDisplay.php?month=Feb" target="display">Feb</button> and If I change the iframe name to an id and try this <iframe id="display" width="100%" height="80%" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" src="dbDisplay.php?month=all"></iframe> <button onclick="display.src=dbDisplay.php?month=Feb">Feb</button> I have also tried a form <form><input type="button" value="Feb" onclick="display.src=dbDisplay.php?month=Feb"><form> However, nothing has worked yet. Any ideas?
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