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    ASP, HTML DOM, Javascript, Actionscript, PHP, XML

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  1. bairdb

    Content-Type problem

    I got this working by adding a second xmlHTTP request to handle the response from the FedEx server and send it as content-type xml.
  2. I am working with FedEx's FSM Api. Basically I have set up an http request with ASP, it sends the content I need fine and it will return data if I use responseText. My problem is that if I try to use responseXML, it won't let me access the returned xml with xmlDom because FedEx's server is retruning their data with a content type of image/gif. Is there any way with asp to get around this, say change the content type of the returned data myself?
  3. bairdb

    Sending Email

    Is is possible to attach a file from a users local hard drive to an email that is being sent from the server?
  4. I guess what I am really asking is if you can connect to a mysql database without having a third party bridge or ODBC.net.
  5. I have been looking around to try and find a how to connect to a mysql database with asp.net but I am not finding any good examples. Can anyone help me with this problem?
  6. If you make a javascript function that changes the visibility of your div you can call that function from inside your flash movie.
  7. I am trying to create a dynamic graph with flash 8. I know how to apply values to my bars in my bar chart so they will resize depending on the value of my variables but I need my variables to be from an external source preferablly an asp page. Can anyone explain how to do this?
  8. bairdb

    Bending Lines

    All you need to do to bend lines is after you create the line, click on the black arrow tool. Put the cursor in the middle of the line until you see a little curve underneath the arrow, then all you have to do is just bend the line as much as you want.
  9. bairdb

    Movie Clip Help

    You will probably have to update the paths to your instanced movie clips inside your mc_nav movie clip.Here is an example, just add mc_nav before the movie clip that you are trying to access. mc_nav.your_mc.gotoAndPlay(1);
  10. bairdb

    flash button

    What you will have to do is make each button you want a different symbol, otherwise you are just editing the same symbol for each button.
  11. bairdb

    Flash Menue

    Are you trying to make a dropdown menu/submenu?
  12. bairdb


    How Big is you the stage of your flash file? If you want to position your .swf in an html page all you have to do is use a DIV tag and position it where you want.
  13. Make the image that you are using for your button a Button Symbol. All you have to do is click on your image and press F8 and then name it and choose the Button option and hit ok, then your code should work fine.
  14. <%set object = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")sql="SELECT DISTINCT Sales_St_Nm FROM SalesStateRetention WHERE subline<>'Grand Total' Order By Sales_St_Nm"object.open sql, connSales_St_Nm=request.QueryString("Sales_St_Nm")%><div style="position:absolute; top:0%; left:0%; font-weight:bold"><form method="get"><table cellspacing="0" width="100%" height="2%" bgcolor="#999999" border="1"><tr style="color:#FFFFFF;; background-color:#2A436C"><td><select name="Sales_St_Nm" onchange="submit();"><option>Select a Type</option><% do until object.EOF response.Write("<option") If object.fields("Sales_St_Nm") = Sales_St_Nm then response.write(" selected") end if response.Write(">") response.Write(object.fields("Sales_St_Nm")) object.Movenextloopset object=Nothing%></select></td></tr></table></form><%if Sales_St_Nm<>"" thenset object = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")sql="SELECT * FROM SalesStateRetention WHERE Sales_ST_NM='"& Sales_St_Nm &"' AND subline='total'"object.open sql, conn%><script type="text/javascript">function open_reg(){window.open("http://compass/clfr/Metrics_copy(1)/new%20pages/RetentionV8/<%response.write(object.fields("Sales_St_Nm"))%>.asp?subline=total"),"_blank","toolbar=no, location=no, directories=no, left=100px, top=150 status=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=no, copyhistory=no, width=1000 height=300")}</script> I am trying to create a javascript pop up that has a link that the page that opens is based on a selection from a dynamic dropdown, but when I try to use the link nothing happens. This is the code I have so far, if anyone could help me out it would be appreciated.
  15. Is the site and html site or a flash site?
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