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Everything posted by kpiatak

  1. http://jsfiddle.net/xu79m/
  2. I would like to have the function reset when you click the button a second time, how would you go about doing this? <!DOCTYPE html><html><head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" > <title>Slide 8 Messages</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css" /> <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js"></script><style>.bus {position: relative;content: url('assets/school-bus.png');left: -700px;top: 450px;}.phonefade {content: url('assets/school-bus-phone.png');position: absolute;top: 270px;left: 1250px;width: 427px;height: 641px;z-index: 1;display: none;}#messages {width: 1920px;height: 930px;background: url('assets/split-bg.png');}#phone {position: absolute;top: 270px;left: 1250px;width: 427px;height: 641px;background: url('assets/phone_noMessage.png');z-index: 0;}.textMe {position: absolute;top: 350px;left: 320px;width: 300px;height: 80px;background: url('assets/textme.png');}.text h1 {color: white;font-size: 30pt;font-family: helvetica, arial;display: block;position: absolute;top: 230px;left: 220px;}</style></head><body><div id = "navBar"> <div id = "navBarTabs"><a href="iris_thermostat.html">Thermostat</a></div> <div id = "navBarTabs"><a href="iris_lock.html">Lock</a></div> <div id = "navBarTabs"><a href="iris_camera.html">Camera</a></div> <div id = "navBarTabs"><a href="iris_smartplug.html">Smart Plug</a></div> <div id = "navBarTabs"><a href="iris_alarm.html">Alarm</a></div> <div id = "navBarTabs"><a href="iris_modes.html">Modes</a></div> <div id = "navBarTabs"><a href="iris_magicrules.html">Magic Rules</a></div> <div id = "navBarTabs"><a href="iris_messages.html">Messages</a></div> <div id = "navBarTabs"><a href="iris_petdoor.html">Pet Door</a></div> <div id = "navBarTabs"><a href="iris_elderlycare.html">Elderly Care</a></div></div><div id ="demoArea"> <div id="messages"> <div class="text"><h1>When my child's key fob enters house</h1></div> <button class="textMe"></button> <div class="bus"></div> <div class="phonefade"></div> <div id="phone"></div> </div></div><script> $("button.textMe").click(function() { $("div.bus").animate ({"left": "+100px"}, (1500)); $("div.phonefade").delay(1500).fadeIn(500); });</script></body></html>
  3. kpiatak

    button help

    I have one button, and I need it to perform 2 actions, how would I go about doing this?http://webapps.easy2.com/ce/ext1104/messages/iris_messages.htmlI need to have the bus slide in, then have the phone message appear.I am more of a visual learner, so to have an example would most definitely help.
  4. kpiatak

    button help

    I have one button, and I need it to perform 2 actions, how would I go about doing this?http://webapps.easy2.com/ce/ext1104/messages/iris_messages.htmlI need to have the bus slide in, then have the phone message appear.I am more of a visual learner, so to have an example would most definitely help.
  5. I am working on a project, and i need the new phone image to show up after the bus slides in... http://webapps.easy2.com/ce/ext1104/messages/iris_messages.html
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