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No properties problem and misc. Q's


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Ok, so I am not waiting a week to sit and thisk on this one. Here's the snippet, and here's the full deal My n00b script

// Runs timer loop and increments picsfunction timer(){ this.incrementSrc() this.timerControl = setTimeout("timer()", this.counterTime) }// Increments the pic number, updates pic src and diplays updatefunction incrementSrc(){ var aNumber = this.picNumber aNumber++ alert(aNumber)  if (aNumber > numberOfPics)  { aNumber = 1  } this.newPicNumber(aNumber) this.newSrcName(sourceGenerator(this.picNumber)) document.getElementById(this.id).src = this.srcName }
Q1 - why does the setTimeout function take it's first argument as a string? And should it actually be this.timer() since it's object specific even if it's calling it's self? This whole method is built really... clumsy, even for me. I was having issues. Q2 - That issue being document.getElementById(this.id).src keeps ending up with no properties. (NaN) I got it so the first loop works.. but I can't get the 2nd loop functioning. So my guess is it doesn't know what this object is? I dunno. Let me know what you guys think. :) Thanks, Lae.
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hmmmm,You must be in the fast learners program. :)

<html><head>  <title></title><script type="text/javascript">var swapObjs = new Array();var j = -1;var stop = false;function imgObj(src, title, tm){this._img = new Image();this._img.src = src;this.title = title;this.tm = tm;this.showImg = showImg;swapObjs[swapObjs.length] = this;}function showImg(){var imgObj = document.getElementById('img1');imgObj.src = this._img.src;}new imgObj('http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif', 'Happy', 1000);new imgObj('http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif', 'Happy', 1000);new imgObj('http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/style_emoticons/default/mellow.gif', 'Somber', 1000);new imgObj('http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/style_emoticons/default/dry.gif', 'Dry', 1000);function doStuff(){if(stop) return;(j == swapObjs.length - 1)? j = 0 : j++;swapObjs[j].showImg();setTimeout('doStuff()', swapObjs[j].tm);}window.onload = doStuff;</script></head><body><img id="img1" src="http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/style_emoticons/default/dry.gif"   title="Dry" border="0" onmouseover="stop = true;" onmouseout="stop = false; doStuff();"></body></html>

Pretty cool that you want to step on into methods and objects.And yes setTimeout only accepts a string as it's first argument.Please post back if you have any questions.Thanks,

Edited by hacknsack
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