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Javascript Auto Expire

Guest javasun

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Guest javasun

Hi all, I'm having some problem by trying to find a javascript for (Auto Expire Content) which will work on all modern browsers. I have here one script:

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////<!-- Begin// Set the dates belowvar goLiveDate = "20030613";var expireDate = "20051003";var expireYear = expireDate.substring(0,4)var expireMonth = expireDate.slice(4,-2)var expireDay = expireDate.slice(6)var liveYear = goLiveDate.substring(0,4)var liveMonth = goLiveDate.slice(4,-2)var liveDay = goLiveDate.slice(6)var nowDate = new Date();var day = nowDate.getUTCDate();var month = nowDate.getUTCMonth();var month1 = month + 1;  if (month1 < 10)  {  month1 = "0" + month1;  }  if (day < 10)  {  day = "0" + day;  }var year = nowDate.getYear();var GMTdate = year + "" + month1 + "" + dayif ((GMTdate < expireDate) && (GMTdate >= goLiveDate)){// Insert the text you want displayed belowdocument.write("<div align='center'><b>This content appeared on " + liveMonth + "/" + liveDay + "/" + liveYear + "<br>and will disappear on " + expireMonth + "/" + expireDay + "/" + expireYear +".</b></div>")}//  End -->/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////but how can I get it to work in real time with SSI or PHP for example, because this is working depending on your PC time. I have one script here for displaying the real time with Javascript and SSI or PHP:////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\\<script type="text/javascript">var weekdaystxt=["Sun", "Mon", "Tues", "Wed", "Thurs", "Fri", "Sat"]function showLocalTime(container, servermode, offsetMinutes, displayversion){if (!document.getElementById || !document.getElementById(container)) returnthis.container=document.getElementById(container)this.displayversion=displayversionvar servertimestring=(servermode=="server-php")? '<? print date("F d, Y H:i:s", time())?>' : '<!--#config timefmt="%B %d, %Y %H:%M:%S"--><!--#echo var="DATE_LOCAL" -->'this.localtime=this.serverdate=new Date(servertimestring)this.localtime.setTime(this.serverdate.getTime()+offsetMinutes*60*1000) //add user offset to server timethis.updateTime()this.updateContainer()}showLocalTime.prototype.updateTime=function(){var thisobj=thisthis.localtime.setSeconds(this.localtime.getSeconds()+1)setTimeout(function(){thisobj.updateTime()}, 1000) //update time every second}showLocalTime.prototype.updateContainer=function(){var thisobj=thisif (this.displayversion=="long")this.container.innerHTML=this.localtime.toLocaleString()else{var hour=this.localtime.getHours()var minutes=this.localtime.getMinutes()var seconds=this.localtime.getSeconds()var ampm=(hour>=12)? "" : ""var currentdate=this.localtime.getDate()+"-"+(this.localtime.getMonth()+1)+"-"+this.localtime.getFullYear()var dayofweek=weekdaystxt[this.localtime.getDay()]this.container.innerHTML=formatField(hour, 1)+":"+formatField(minutes)+":"+formatField(seconds)+" "+ampm+" ("+currentdate+" - "+dayofweek+")"}setTimeout(function(){thisobj.updateContainer()}, 1000) //update container every second}function formatField(num, isHour){if (typeof isHour!="undefined"){ //if this is the hour fieldvar hour=(num>24)? num-24 : numreturn (hour==0)? 24 : hour}return (num<=9)? "0"+num : num//if this is minute or sec field}\\</script>then in <BODY><span id="timecontainer"></span><script type="text/javascript">new showLocalTime("timecontainer", "server-php", 0, "short")</script>//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

.... can somebody help me please, is there any way I can mix this two scripts, or if you know some other script where the content will auto expire in the set date and time mm/dd/yyy - h:mThank you!edit: wrapped script in codebox to display better - skemcin

Edited by Skemcin
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