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I have a string that could be like the following

<script>  function myFunction()  {	//some js code  }</script><div>{sText1}<br><br>{sText2}<br><br>{PhotoGallery}</div>

Note: this is a string variable. I need to write a regular expression to replace all { & } with <%= & %> but it can't touch anything between <script></script>Any help would be appreciated.

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Try this, it could probably still be refined, but it seems to work based on your example given.

using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Text;using System.Text.RegularExpressions;namespace ConsoleApplication2{	class Program	{		static void Main(string[] args)		{			string sText = @"<script>function myFunction(){ //some js code } </script> <div>{sText1}<br><br>{sText2}<br><br>{PhotoGallery}</div>";			Regex reTextToChange =  new Regex(@"</script>(?<text>.*$)");			Regex reTextNotToChange = new Regex(@"^.*?</script>");						string sTextNotToChange = reTextNotToChange.Match(sText).ToString();			string sTextToChange = reTextToChange.Match(sText).Groups["text"].ToString();			sTextToChange = sTextToChange.Replace(@"{", @"<%=").Replace(@"}", @"%>");			sText = sTextNotToChange + sTextToChange;		}	}}

this result:

<script>function myFunction(){ //some js code } </script> <div><%=sText1%><br><br><%=sText2%><br><br><%=PhotoGallery%></div>

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thank you that helpos however I should have given a better example. It could be like this

<div>{sImage1}</div><script>  function myFunction()  {	//some js code  }</script><div>{sText1}<br><br>{sText2}<br><br>{PhotoGallery}</div>

or even have multiple <script></script> mixed throughout the string.thank you though

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A little more robust now. Should meet anything you throw at it. Of course, I only tested it on your example.

using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Text;using System.Text.RegularExpressions;namespace ConsoleApplication2{	class Program	{		static void Main(string[] args)		{			string sText = @"<div>{sImage1}</div><script>  function myFunction()  {	//some js code  }</script><div>{sText1}<br><br>{sText2}<br><br>{PhotoGallery}</div>";   			Regex reMatchPattern =  new Regex(@"<([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*)\b[^>]*>(.*?)</\1>");			StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();			MatchCollection matches = reMatchPattern.Matches(sText);			foreach (Match rMatch in matches)			{				if (rMatch.ToString().StartsWith("<script>",true,null))				{					sb.Append(rMatch.ToString());				}				else				{					sb.Append(rMatch.ToString().Replace(@"{", @"<%=").Replace(@"}", @"%>"));				}			}			sText = sb.ToString();		}	}}

<div><%=sImage1%></div><script>  function myFunction()  {	//some js code  }</script><div><%=sText1%><br><br><%=sText2%><br><br><%=PhotoGallery%></div>

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Thanks for the help but I figured out a way without Regex.

<%@ Page Language="C#" ValidateRequest="false"%><%@ Import Namespace="System.Text.RegularExpressions" %><%@ Import Namespace="System.Text" %><script runat="server">	private void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)	{		txtInput.TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine;		txtOutput.TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine;	}		private void btnClick(object sender, EventArgs e)	{		string input = txtInput.Text;		input = input.Replace("<script","~<script").Replace("</" + "script>","</" + "script>~");		string[] parts = input.Split('~');		StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();		foreach(string part in parts)		{			if(part.IndexOf("<script") == -1)				sb.Append(part.Replace("{","<%=").Replace("}","%>"));			else				sb.Append(part);		}		txtOutput.Text = sb.ToString();	}</script><html><head>	<title></title></head><body><form runat="server" method="post">	<div>Input:</div>	<asp:textbox id="txtInput" runat="server" style="width:400px;height:150px"/>	<br><br>	<div>Output:</div>	<asp:textbox id="txtOutput" runat="server" style="width:400px;height:150px"/>	<br><br>	<asp:button id="btnFilter" text="Filter" runat="server" OnClick="btnClick"/></form><!----------------------------------SAMPLE INPUT-----------------------------------------{sText}<br><script src="somewhere/file.js"></script><script>function name(){  //js code}</script>{sText2}<br><div>{sImage1}</div><script>  function name2()  {	//more code  }</script>{sText3}--------------------------------------END SAMPLE INPUT------------------------------------></body></html>

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  • 2 weeks later...
I have a string that could be like the following
<script>  function myFunction()  {	//some js code  }</script><div>{sText1}<br><br>{sText2}<br><br>{PhotoGallery}</div>

Note: this is a string variable. I need to write a regular expression to replace all { & } with <%= & %> but it can't touch anything between <script></script>Any help would be appreciated.

.Net has a fantastic regex construct called "balanced expressions" that are very useful for solving this problem. You only need a single regex.replace command to replace the text properly.Here is the expression I use:
(?>		<script> (?<LEVEL>)   # On opening paren push level	|			</script> (?<-LEVEL>)  # On closing paren pop level	|		\{(.*?)\} # Match any char except <script> or </script>)(?(LEVEL)(?!))	 # If level exists then fail

Feel free to test this expression at Regex Tester.The VB.Net code for it looks like this:

Private Function myFunction(ByVal strInput As String) As String		Dim strExpression As String = _			"(?>" & vbNewLine & _			"		<script> (?<LEVEL>)   # On opening paren push level" & vbNewLine & _			"   |" & vbNewLine & _			"		</script> (?<-LEVEL>)  # On closing paren pop level" & vbNewLine & _			"   |" & vbNewLine & _			"		\{(.*?)\} # Match any char except <script> or </script>" & vbNewLine & _			")" & vbNewLine & _			"(?(LEVEL)(?!))	 # If level exists then fail" & vbNewLine		Return System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(strInput, strExpression, "<%=$1%>", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase Or System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace).ToString()	End Function


{something} here<script>  function myFunction()  {	//some js code  }</script><div>{sText1}<br><br>{sText2}<br><br>{PhotoGallery}</div><script>  function anotherFunction()  {	//some js code  }</script>{rock}


<%=something%> here<script>  function myFunction()  {	//some js code  }</script><div><%=sText1%><br><br><%=sText2%><br><br><%=PhotoGallery%></div><script>  function anotherFunction()  {	//some js code  }</script><%=rock%>

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