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Text feild variables!


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No there wasn't one, I just needed to know if it errored or not.Anyways, here's one that should display it.

<?php	$code1 = file('first.combo');	$code2 = file('second.combo');	$code3 = file('third.combo');	$code4 = file('fourth.combo');	$code5 = file('fifth.combo');	$code6 = file('sixth.combo');	$total = count($code1)+count($code2)+count($code3)+count($code4)+count($code5)+count($code6);	$totaleach = array(count($code1),count($code2),count($code3),count($code4),count($code5),count($code6));	sort($totaleach);	for($i=0; $i<=$totaleach[5]; $i++){  $output[] = $code1[$i].' - '.$code2[$i].' - '.$code3[$i].' - '.$code4[$i].' - '.$code5[$i].' - '.$code6[$i]."<br>\n";	}	foreach($output as $key => $value)  echo $value;?>

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Right, this should fix that:

	<?php  $code1 = file('first.combo');  $code2 = file('second.combo');  $code3 = file('third.combo');  $code4 = file('fourth.combo');  $code5 = file('fifth.combo');  $code6 = file('sixth.combo');  $total = count($code1)+count($code2)+count($code3)+count($code4)+count($code5)+count($code6);  $totaleach = array(count($code1),count($code2),count($code3),count($code4),count($code5),count($code6));  sort($totaleach);  for($i=0; $i<=$totaleach[5]; $i++){ 	 $output[] = $code1[$i].' - '.$code2[$i].' - '.$code3[$i].' - '.$code4[$i].' - '.$code5[$i].' - '.$code6[$i]."<br>\n";  }  foreach($output as $key => $value){ 	 $return = strtr($value, "\n", ""); 	 echo $return  }	?>

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Thanks alot deathray :)anyway, i spent the lastnight pondering... and i found ut a flaw :(1 code = FPFG-FAFG-ZTFP-FFFN-FKFG-FRFG2 code = FGFP-FNFP-ZTZG-FFZE-FCFP-FOFPthe way i have this set up, it allows you to change around the key, allowing you to have, in this case, 12 keys :)move FGFP up, and FPFG down, and you havea completely new key...so... i thought.... what if i added every possible key to an array... i did i also added every number from 1-1747... now, i dont know if theres a limit on array's , but it dosent seem to eb working veryr well, do u guys have any idea for another wall of securety? using my current keys? AIM - Exiled TwigMSN - joedirt_780@hotmail.com

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ok :)ill give it all outi have designed a prouduct, that i am selling, i ahve already created the members area.... i just need a code that i can send to the user to allow them into their members area...the way i currently have it set up is as follows:A * B - C + Dnow, the problem with that is, if you have more than one key, you can customize your own, by replacing some parts of the key with another... because its strictly math based...i need someway to make it imposible to reproduce, or recreat a new key, it must be generated by php :)there are 6 textfeilds, each can contail 4 letters(just so you know, A dose not equal 1, B dose not equal 2)Ive also split up (using php) each sections... so, if textfield A, had the letters Q, W, P, C... it would add each of those letters to an arrayive been loovin at encription, but that dosent seem to be working verry well :(I really hope you can help, ive been working 2 days on this, imalready late on this :D

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Do I ever have the solution for you!

<?php	function nocrypt($num,$s){  return $num;	}	$i = 0;	$donearray = array();	$min = 1;	$max = 80;	$total = 83;	$crypt = crypt;	$maxlines = 500;	for($num1=$min; $num1<=$max; $num1++){  for($num2=$min; $num2<=$max; $num2++){   for($num3=$min; $num3<=$max; $num3++){    for($num4=$min; $num4<=$max; $num4++){      if($i<$maxlines && $num1+$num2+$num3+$num4 == $total && 	 in_array($crypt($num1,s1).' + '.$crypt($num2,s2).' + '.$crypt($num3,s3).' + '.$crypt($num4,s4)."<br>\n", $donearray) == false && 	 in_array($crypt($num2,s2).' + '.$crypt($num3,s3).' + '.$crypt($num4,s4).' + '.$crypt($num1,s1)."<br>\n", $donearray) == false && 	 in_array($crypt($num3,s3).' + '.$crypt($num4,s4).' + '.$crypt($num1,s1).' + '.$crypt($num2,s2)."<br>\n", $donearray) == false && 	 in_array($crypt($num4,s4).' + '.$crypt($num1,s1).' + '.$crypt($num2,s2).' + '.$crypt($num3,s3)."<br>\n", $donearray) == false &&	 	 in_array($crypt($num1,s1).' + '.$crypt($num2,s2).' + '.$crypt($num4,s4).' + '.$crypt($num3,s3)."<br>\n", $donearray) == false && 	 in_array($crypt($num2,s2).' + '.$crypt($num4,s4).' + '.$crypt($num3,s3).' + '.$crypt($num1,s1)."<br>\n", $donearray) == false && 	 in_array($crypt($num4,s4).' + '.$crypt($num3,s3).' + '.$crypt($num1,s1).' + '.$crypt($num2,s2)."<br>\n", $donearray) == false && 	 in_array($crypt($num3,s3).' + '.$crypt($num1,s1).' + '.$crypt($num2,s2).' + '.$crypt($num4,s4)."<br>\n", $donearray) == false &&	 	 in_array($crypt($num1,s1).' + '.$crypt($num4,s4).' + '.$crypt($num3,s3).' + '.$crypt($num2,s2)."<br>\n", $donearray) == false && 	 in_array($crypt($num4,s4).' + '.$crypt($num3,s3).' + '.$crypt($num2,s2).' + '.$crypt($num1,s1)."<br>\n", $donearray) == false && 	 in_array($crypt($num3,s3).' + '.$crypt($num2,s2).' + '.$crypt($num1,s1).' + '.$crypt($num4,s4)."<br>\n", $donearray) == false && 	 in_array($crypt($num2,s2).' + '.$crypt($num1,s1).' + '.$crypt($num4,s4).' + '.$crypt($num3,s3)."<br>\n", $donearray) == false &&	 	 in_array($crypt($num1,s1).' + '.$crypt($num3,s3).' + '.$crypt($num2,s2).' + '.$crypt($num4,s4)."<br>\n", $donearray) == false && 	 in_array($crypt($num3,s3).' + '.$crypt($num2,s2).' + '.$crypt($num4,s4).' + '.$crypt($num1,s1)."<br>\n", $donearray) == false && 	 in_array($crypt($num2,s2).' + '.$crypt($num4,s4).' + '.$crypt($num1,s1).' + '.$crypt($num3,s3)."<br>\n", $donearray) == false && 	 in_array($crypt($num4,s4).' + '.$crypt($num1,s1).' + '.$crypt($num3,s3).' + '.$crypt($num2,s2)."<br>\n", $donearray) == false &&	 	 in_array($crypt($num4,s4).' + '.$crypt($num2,s2).' + '.$crypt($num3,s3).' + '.$crypt($num1,s1)."<br>\n", $donearray) == false && 	 in_array($crypt($num2,s2).' + '.$crypt($num3,s3).' + '.$crypt($num1,s1).' + '.$crypt($num4,s4)."<br>\n", $donearray) == false && 	 in_array($crypt($num3,s3).' + '.$crypt($num1,s1).' + '.$crypt($num4,s4).' + '.$crypt($num2,s2)."<br>\n", $donearray) == false && 	 in_array($crypt($num1,s1).' + '.$crypt($num4,s4).' + '.$crypt($num2,s2).' + '.$crypt($num3,s3)."<br>\n", $donearray) == false &&	 	 in_array($crypt($num3,s3).' + '.$crypt($num2,s2).' + '.$crypt($num1,s1).' + '.$crypt($num4,s4)."<br>\n", $donearray) == false && 	 in_array($crypt($num2,s2).' + '.$crypt($num1,s1).' + '.$crypt($num4,s4).' + '.$crypt($num3,s3)."<br>\n", $donearray) == false && 	 in_array($crypt($num1,s1).' + '.$crypt($num4,s4).' + '.$crypt($num3,s3).' + '.$crypt($num2,s2)."<br>\n", $donearray) == false && 	 in_array($crypt($num4,s4).' + '.$crypt($num3,s3).' + '.$crypt($num2,s2).' + '.$crypt($num1,s1)."<br>\n", $donearray) == false && 	 in_array($crypt($num2,s2).' + '.$crypt($num1,s1).' + '.$crypt($num3,s3).' + '.$crypt($num4,s4)."<br>\n", $donearray) == false && 	 in_array($crypt($num1,s1).' + '.$crypt($num3,s3).' + '.$crypt($num4,s4).' + '.$crypt($num2,s2)."<br>\n", $donearray) == false && 	 in_array($crypt($num3,s3).' + '.$crypt($num4,s4).' + '.$crypt($num2,s2).' + '.$crypt($num1,s1)."<br>\n", $donearray) == false && 	 in_array($crypt($num4,s4).' + '.$crypt($num2,s2).' + '.$crypt($num1,s1).' + '.$crypt($num3,s3)."<br>\n", $donearray) == false){ 	 $donearray[$i]=$crypt($num1,s1).' + '.$crypt($num2,s2).' + '.$crypt($num3,s3).' + '.$crypt($num4,s4)."<br>\n"; 	 echo $donearray[$i]; 	 $i++;      }    }   }  }	}	if(count($donearray)!==$maxlines)  $checknums = '<br>Try increasing $max and $total to achieve the '.$maxlines.' keys you requested. For best results, $max should be 3 less than $total.';	echo '<br>' . count($donearray) . ' keys generated.' . $checknums;?>

This will generate the keysYou give them each one of these. (You can do it automatically with easy modification. When they enter one, you compare it against $donearray. This also allows you to set how many keys you want to generate.

  //The minimum number in one of the fields.	$min = 1;  //The maximum number in one of the fields. For best results this should be 3 less than $total.	$max = 80;  //What the fields should add up to.	$total = 83;  //Set to crypt if you want to encode them (One way process), or nocrypt if you don't.	$crypt = crypt;  //How many keys you want to generate.	$maxlines = 500;

For assigning them, you can give each person the value for the next indice in $donearray. That indice would also act as that person's id, of sorts, and it would be used to check to make sure that they key belongs to them.

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