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Unexpected T_STRING... But why?


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I made a simple function to check a filename to see if there was |Category, |Subcategory, or something else, but nearly everyy line is generating errors...

11	function whatis($name){12  $checktype = explode('|', $name);13  $checkfile = explode('.', $name);14  if(count($checktype) >=2 && $checktype[1] == 'Category')15 	 return 'Category';16  elseif(count($checktype) >=2 && $checktype[1] == 'Subcategory')17 	 return 'Subcategory';18  elseif(count($checkfile) <= 3)19 	 return 'File';20  else21 	 return 'Undesirable';22	}

I wrote the line number before each line... This error starts at line 14, but even if I remove everything in the if statement after >=2, line 15 errors:Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_STRING in /my/website/foo/bar/script.php on line 14

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Don't see anything out of place.Maybe you have an escaped quote or something before the function.No warnings or errors with your function:

<?php function whatis($name){  $checktype = explode('|', $name);  $checkfile = explode('.', $name);  if(count($checktype) >=2 && $checktype[1] == 'Category')   return 'Category';  elseif(count($checktype) >=2 && $checktype[1] == 'Subcategory')   return 'Subcategory';  elseif(count($checkfile) <= 3)   return 'File';  else   return 'Undesirable'; } $str = "One|Category|Three";echo "<p>". whatis($str) ."</p>";$str = "One|Subcategory|Three";echo "<p>". whatis($str) ."</p>";$str = "One.Two.Three";echo "<p>". whatis($str) ."</p>";$str = "One.Two.Three.Four.Five";echo whatis($str);?>

You will have to keep looking for the culprit.I guess you have already tried commenting blocks of your code.

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Yes, that's how I noticed that the error just moves to the next line when I comment strings out...And unfortunately there are no problems like that in my script, they'd be easy to fix...I also tried changing it to this:

11	function whatis($name){12  if(substr_count($name, '|Category')>0)13 	 return "Category";14  elseif(substr_count($name, '|Subcategory')>0)15 	 return "Subcategory";16  elseif(is_file($name))17 	 return "File";18  else19 	 return "Undesirable";20	}

But then instead of an unexpected T_STRING I get unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING on line 14...Maybe it doesn't like | in a string? But that doesn't make much sense... :(Edit:Wait, I did, in fact have an escaped quote! :) Thanks for the help! :)

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