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Image display in PDF


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Just cannot get this right...Have a logo, which is inserted into Word (I use Word as I link it to an Excel sheet to update whenever the input in the spreadsheet changes). In Word and printed it looks ok, but when I create the pdf (to make it readable by anyone without the possiblity to change the content) the logo looks a mess. I tried all sort of formats. PNG seems to be the best compromise between printing (what can happen with the documents after I sent them out) and PDF screen display, but even that still looks bad. Messed around with the compression settings when creating the PDF, still no better quality... The main problem is an area, which has some coloured dots in it.Any ideas what I could try?

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  • 7 months later...

Hello Kurt,I really do not have any solution directly to your log issue. I have used Adobe for PDF creation and have never had an issue when converting from Word or Pages.If you are not using Adobe, why don't you get a trial download and see if you have a better experience.- Cylants

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