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I want to carry out editing task on my site..


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Hi everyone,Good day to you.I would like to make changes on my exisitng webform on my site,it will involve in downloading files and unloading it back to webserver after it had edited.However,I don't know how to carry out this task in order to get it done over my computer.Please kindly advice the following :1 ) Do I need to run any software for downloading the webform code ?2 ) Which files to download for editing of my existing webform ?3 ) I want to do backup,which ones to backup ? It is for the purpose of getting back my original site if something goes wrong after the editing task failed.4 ) How to carry out the testing after the replacement of new html code ?I am sorry for posted this queries to you as this is my first time to carry out this task.Thank you.Manicui

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You seem to be describing what will become an every day task for you as you begin to manage your website.First, you will need FTP software and then FTP access to your site. The software you can find anywhere on line, I prefer ws_ftp. Access permission should have been established and provided by your hosting company. If you do not know this information then you will have to contact your hosting company or who ever set up your site to begin with.Now, with that out of the way, you will need to find more specifics about your "web form". The "web form" is nothing more than code on a web page. The page (or file on the server) will have to be downloaded to your local PC and edited from there. Now, depending on how that form/page is programmed will depend on what else you might have to work with. In any case, once you download your page - or at least your entire site, backups are simple. Before you start anything just copy the folder to another location on your computer and rename the folder to "xxxxxx-bak" or something like that (where xxxxx is the name of your site).Testing is also something dependant on your set up. If your site is using php, asp, or coldfusion, then you could test it on yourlocal computer if the respective server side language is set up - otherwise you can either upload the file with a different name and test it that way - or upload it live and troubleshoot it live.Hope that helps, good luck.

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