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Asp and XML


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Hello,I have error with this code:

<p align="center"><%	// CREO IL DOM	set xmlbanner = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")	// CARICO IL FILE XML	xmlbanner.async = false	xmlbanner.load(Server.MapPath("../mdb-database/xml/adv.xml"))	// RECUPERO I NODI CHE MI INTERESSANO	banner = xmlbanner.getElementsByTagName("Content[nome='prezzi_pazzi_468*60']/circuito1")	dcircuito1 = xmlbanner.getElementsByTagName("Content[nome='prezzi_pazzi_468*60']/dcircuito1")	ID = xmlbanner.getElementsByTagName("Content[nome='prezzi_pazzi_468*60']/ID")	att1 = xmlbanner.getElementsByTagName("Content[nome='prezzi_pazzi_468*60']/attivo1")	// GENERO UN NUMERO CASUALE IN FUNZIONE DEL NUMERO DI NODI PRESENTE NEL FILE XML	casuale = Math.floor(Math.random() * banner.length)	// STAMPO A VIDEO IL BANNER	BANNER_ = banner(casuale).textdcircuito1_ = dcircuito1(casuale).text%></p>

The erroe is:http://www.allinonenet.it/prezzi_pazzi/adv2.aspThanks,Andrea

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casuale = Math.floor(Math.random() * banner.length)
It's a long time since I did any classic ASP, but... The above line of code allows casuale to be greater than dcircuito1.length. So depending on the data this could result in a null object reference here:
dcircuito1_ = dcircuito1(casuale).text

Also I think for object assignments in vbscript you need to use set? In which case you would need to change this:

banner = xmlbanner.getElementsByTagName....


set banner = xmlbanner.getElementsByTagName....

and the same for the other similar lines.

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It's a long time since I did any classic ASP, but... The above line of code allows casuale to be greater than dcircuito1.length. So depending on the data this could result in a null object reference here:
dcircuito1_ = dcircuito1(casuale).text

Also I think for object assignments in vbscript you need to use set? In which case you would need to change this:

banner = xmlbanner.getElementsByTagName....


set banner = xmlbanner.getElementsByTagName....

and the same for the other similar lines.

thank you very much,andrea
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