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ActiveX Script Questions


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I'm using this ActiveX Script within a DTS package that imports data from a .txt file into a DB table. This is a sample of what the text file looks like:

text_registrant_id,text_name,date_of_birth01,01.01,01/01/198102,02.02,02/02/198203,03.03,03/03/1983...and so on

...and here's the ActiveX Script:

'**********************************************************************'  Visual Basic ActiveX Script'************************************************************************Function Main()	Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success	Dim fso, f, i, j, k, t, row, datetime_array, StartingKeyValue, StartingOtherValue, NewStartingKey, NewStartingOther, swap_pos, DimensionToSort, OtherDimension	Dim NewFile, OldFile2, log, incoming, incoming_files, dir_count, willholddate	Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")	Set incoming = fso.GetFolder("\\SERVERNAME\DIRECTORY\FOLDER1\") 	Set incoming_files = incoming.Files	dir_count = incoming_files.Count	ReDim datetime_array(dir_count, 1)	' *** This loop will load the array with the DateLastModified file attribute ***	For Each k in incoming_files  datetime_array(i, 0) = k.Name  datetime_array(i, 1) = k.DateLastModified  i = i + 1	Next 	' *** This loop will perform the DateTime sort ***	Const column = 1	DimensionToSort = 1	OtherDimension = 0	For row = 0 To dir_count - 1  StartingKeyValue = datetime_array ( row, DimensionToSort )  StartingOtherValue = datetime_array ( row, OtherDimension )  NewStartingKey = datetime_array ( row, DimensionToSort )  NewStartingOther = datetime_array ( row, OtherDimension )  swap_pos = row      For j = row + 1 to dir_count - 1 	 If datetime_array ( j, DimensionToSort ) < NewStartingKey Then    swap_pos = j    NewStartingKey = datetime_array ( j, DimensionToSort )    NewStartingOther = datetime_array ( j, OtherDimension ) 	 End If  Next  If swap_pos <> row Then 	 datetime_array ( swap_pos, DimensionToSort ) = StartingKeyValue 	 datetime_array ( swap_pos, OtherDimension ) = StartingOtherValue 	 datetime_array ( row, DimensionToSort ) = NewStartingKey 	 datetime_array ( row, OtherDimension ) = NewStartingOther  End If		Next	' *** This is where the file gets set ***	NewFile = "\\SERVERNAME\DIRECTORY\FOLDER1\" & datetime_array(dir_count - 1, 0)	RenamedFile = "\\SERVERNAME\DIRECTORY\FOLDER1\new_export.txt"	OldFile = "\\SERVERNAME\DIRECTORY\reg_voters2\" & datetime_array(dir_count - 1, 0)	Import = "\\SERVERNAME\DIRECTORY\reg_voters2\new_export.txt"	' *** Rename the file to the name that the Data Source expects ***	If fso.FileExists(NewFile) Then	fso.MoveFile NewFile, RenamedFile	fso.CopyFile RenamedFile, Import	fso.DeleteFile RenamedFile	End IfEnd Function

It works great, but now I need to do the following, and I'm not sure how to include it in this code.1) Split Precinct_ID and Part_ID (one value = "01.01") into two values ("01" and "01")2) 'Split and reformat DOB (from "01/01/1981" to "19810101")This is what I have so far:

Function newImport()	'Split Precinct_ID and Part_ID	Dim OldPP As String = text_name	If OldPP <> "" Then  Dim Precinct_ID As String = Substring-before(OldPP, ".")  Part_ID As String = Substring-after(OldPP, ".")	End If	'Split and reformat DOB	Dim FullDate As String = date_of_birth	If FullDate <> "" Then  Dim OldDate As String = RTrim(date_of_birth)  Dim Date_mm As String = Substring-before(OldDate, "/")  Dim Date_yyyy As String = Substring-after(OldDate, "/")  Dim Date_dd As String = Substring-before(Date_ddyyyy, "/")  Dim Date_ddyyyy As String = Substring-after(Date_ddyyyy, "/")  Dim NewDate As String = Date_yyyy + Date_mm + Date_dd	End IfEnd Function

...but I'm not sure how to include it within the ActiveX Script, being that I'm somewhat of a newbie. If anyone can help me out or point me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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