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5 min countdown


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Hello, I want to create a 5 min countdown in actionscript. I've found countdowns that countdown to a specific date. I dont want that. I need only a countdown that starts at 5 minutes and goes to zero.here is a countdown tutorial that i've folllowed, it uses dynamic text that goes to a specific date:this.onEnterFrame = function () { var today:Date = new Date(); var currentYear = today.getFullYear(); var currentTime = today.getTime(); var targetDate:Date = new Date(currentYear,11,25); var targetTime = targetDate.getTime(); var timeLeft = targetTime - currentTime; var sec = Math.floor(timeLeft/1000); var min = Math.floor(sec/60); var hrs = Math.floor(min/60); var days = Math.floor(hrs/24); sec = string(sec % 60); if (sec.length < 2) { sec = "0" + sec; } min = string(min % 60); if (min.length < 2) { min = "0" + min; } hrs = string(hrs % 24); if (hrs.length < 2) { hrs = "0" + hrs; } days = string(days); var counter:String = min + ":" + sec; time_txt.text = counter;}is there a way to modify it so that I can tell it to start at 5 minutes?

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ok I got the timer working in a different way but now I need to control the text size as the 5 min clock starts bold and in a size of aprprox. 50 size, as soon as 4:59 shows up all text format dissapears. What am I missing??here the actionScript:var my_format:TextFormat = new TextFormat();my_format.font = "Helvetica";my_format.size = 50;my_format.bold = true;var start = getTimer();var countdown = "5:00";var textbox = this.createTextField(0,0,250,175,200,300);textbox.variable = "countdown";textbox.textColor = 0x0066cc;textbox.setTextFormat(my_format);var runit = function(){ var diff = (getTimer() - start)/1000; var mins = 4+ - Math.floor(diff/60); var secs = 60 - Math.floor(diff%60); countdown = mins + ":" + secs; if(countdown == "0:00") { trace("time\'s up"); clearInterval(timer); };};var timer = setInterval(runit, 1000);

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