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Microsoft Vbscript Runtime Error '800a01a8' Object Required: '[object]'


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hello all,I am looking into a problem my friend is having with a site. we would ask the original programmer but unfortunaely he is no longer with usi get the following error when the page loads"Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'Object required: '[object]' /cuerpo01.asp, line 72"i understand the script is expecting an object and it has not able to call it

 <%           set fso=CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")       	   set oXml = server.CreateObject ("Microsoft.XMLDOM")	   oXml.async = false	   oXml.load (server.mappath(".") + ".\control\ppdsl.xml")           set listaIdioma = oXml.getElementsByTagName(lengua)      	   set listaTipo = listaIdioma.item(0).getElementsByTagName("NEW")   [color="#FF0000"]<<-- line 72[/color]	   if listaTipo.length > 0 then		if listaTipo.item(0).hasChildNodes then			set listaRefs = listaTipo.item(0).childNodes                              ref = listaRefs.Item(i).nodename           %>

<% option explicit	dim oXml	dim i	dim nodo	dim listaIdioma	dim listaTipo	dim listaRefs        dim ref        dim price        dim description        dim moredetail        dim fso	dim lengua		lengua = session("ppdslIdioma")	if lengua="" then 		lengua ="ing"		session("ppdslIdioma") = lengua	end if%>

i understand this may be exremely basic but i dont seem to be able to find where to start, any suggestions would be gratefully recievedthanks for your time

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A Google search for this error message indicates that there is a function or routine that is called on that line that has not been defined.It might be that the code needs to have a server side INC

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