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Problem Of Sending Email To User


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If this is the error:هذا الاعلان غير موجودThen that means it didn't find a record in the subject_replays table with the id of 1.If this is the error:ليس لديك صلاحية لحزف الردThen that means the mem_id field for the record in the database did not match the $memberid variable.If this is the error:ليس لديك صلاحية هذا هذا الاعلانThen that means the delete query had an error.

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How is it possible that we're 15 pages into this topic and you still don't understand basic debugging?Look, here's the link you click to delete:<a href="index.php?action=delete_replly&rep_id=<? echo $repid; ?>&subjectid=<? echo $subjectid; ?>" ><span lang="ar-eg">حـــذف</span></a>It prints the variable $repid for rep_id, right? And the delete code gets rep_id and looks it up in the database, right? And it's the wrong ID, right? So figure out what $repid is getting set to in the link, and figure out why it's not the right ID. Find where it's coming from.

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i see that in index $ass11_select = mysql_query ("SELECT * from subject_replays where subject_id='$s_id' and active='1' order by id desc"); $countfs= mysql_num_rows($ass11_select); while ($Row41=mysql_fetch_array($ass11_select)) { $re_id = $Row41 [id]; $meme_id = $Row41 [mem_id]; $re_replay = $Row41 [replay]; $re_date = $Row41 [date];and this $as6_select = mysql_query ("SELECT * from subject_replays where subject_id='$sub_id' and active='1'"); $count= mysql_num_rows($as6_select);echo "<table width=95%><tr><td align=center bgcolor=#CFCFCF> الردود   ($count) </td></tr></table>"; while ($Row1=mysql_fetch_array($as6_select)) { $r_id = $Row1 [id]; $s_id = $Row1 [subject_id]; $member_id = $Row1 [mem_id]; $replay = $Row1 [replay]; $date = $Row1 [date];i try $r_id for repllay but not work

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I don't see where it's writing the delete link.Look at where it writes the delete link. You don't need to show it to me, just find it.When you find it, notice that it writes $rep_id and $subjectid into the link. Backtrack in the code and figure out where those are getting set.

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i searsh in index fpr "$rep_id ="foundif ($action == "delete_subject") { $delete=mysql_query("DELETE from subject_replays WHERE id='$rep_id'"); if($delete){echo "تم الحذف بنجاح";} else {echo "هناك خطأ في عملية الحذف";}echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"2; URL=index.php?action=subject_disc&subjectid=$subjectid\">";}and this is for subjet ?

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this one in indexif ($action == "delete_subject") { $delete=mysql_query("DELETE from subject_replays WHERE id='$rep_id'"); if($delete){echo "تم الحذف بنجاح";} else {echo "هناك خطأ في عملية الحذف";}echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"2; URL=index.php?action=subject_disc&subjectid=$subjectid\">";}and this in repplay_form <br> <a href="index.php?action=delete_replly&rep_id=<? echo $rep_id; ?>&subjectid=<? echo $subjectid; ?>" ><span lang="ar-eg">حـــذف</span></a></td> </tr>

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You're still not finding the right code. I don't know how else to describe this. You're trying to find where $rep_id is getting set. So you're looking for "$rep_id=", with or without a space before the equal sign. The code you're posting doesn't have those lines in it, and a bunch of question marks doesn't provide a lot of information.

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