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Need Help Turning Disablelinks To Ondblclick Goto Link


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I need help turning disableLinks to ondblclick goto link...plz help or ask for more info...thanks,wade

/**	 * Function: diableLinks	 * 	 * This function goes through all the anchor tags in the stack and simply disables the href attribute.	 * This is required if the user has set 'enableOnClickScroll' to be true	 * 	 * 	 */	 disableLinks: function(){		this.elem.select("a").each(function(a){			a.observe('click', function(e) {				e.preventDefault();			});		});	},	/**

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Is there a dblclick event that your Javascript framework has available?
no, currently it just disables the link.and I want it to only goto the link ondblclicki think i need to change the function(e) to a ondblclick functionPlz help?
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do i need a dblclick listener?

/* sets up click listener on all the elements in the stack */        this.stack.each(function(elem){            elem.identify();            //console.log(elem);            //elem.observe("mouseover", function(){this.setStyle({"border": "2px solid yellow;"});});            if (this.options.enableOnClickScroll)                 elem.observe('click', this.handleClick.bind(this));        }.bind(this));                if (this.options.enableOnClickScroll) //lets go through all the <a> tags and disable them..        {            this.disableLinks();        }                this.goTo(this.currPos);                this.autoplayer = null;        if (this.options.autoplay) {            this.autoplayer = new PeriodicalExecuter(this.autoPlay.bind(this), this.options.autoplayInterval);        }

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Plz someone help??Here is the entire really, really long code...

/* Class: ProtoFlow  License: Copyright © 2008 DeenSoft.com - You are free to use this file wherever you wish but please do let us know at blog.deensoft.com so that we can showcase it. You can even post your bugs on our blog and we will fix them asap. This code is being release under open-terms. Use at your own risk. Give us feedback. Help us fix bugs and implement new features.  <contact@deensoft.com>  You can follow up with more comments and suggestions on our blog <http://blog.deensoft.com>   Description: 	ProtoFlow v0.8 is a very early preview release that simulates Apples CoverFlow effect using Prototype/Scriptaculous lib.  ChangeLog: 	July 7, 2008: 	* Fixed z-index issue - Thanks to Xavvier (http://www.euclide.org/) for the fix. 	March 26, 2008: 	* Fixed major issue with IE7 and z-index for scrollbar (Thanks to all those who contributed on the blog) 	March 19, 2008 	* Fixed issues with IE 	* Fixed major bug with images and links... 	 	Initial: 	* Added Reflection 	* Fixed Captions 	 	How to use: 	(start code) 	var myFlow = new ProtoFlow( 						$('myElem'), 						{ 							captions: 'captionsList' 						} 	); 	(end) */var ProtoFlow = Class.create({    /*     Function: initialize     Constructor for ProtoFlow Class.          Parameters:     elem - {Mixed} the HTML object that ProtoFlow is initialize from. This can be either an HTML Object or ID to an HTML object.     opt  - {Object} config Object     */    initialize: function(elem, opt){        opt = opt || {};        this.options = {            startIndex: 2,            interval: 60,            slider: true,            flex: 110,            captions: false,            autoplay: false,            autoplayInterval: 5,            useReflection: false,            enableOnClickScroll: false,			enableKeyboard: true,			enableMouse: true        };		Object.extend(this.options, opt);		        this.useCaptions = this.options.captions; //initially we don't wanna use captions unless turned on?        this.elem = $(elem);        if (!this.elem)             return;                //console.log(this.elem.select('img'));        this.elem.setStyle({            overflow: "hidden",            position: "relative"        });        this.imageStack = this.elem.select('img'); //this.elem.childElements();        if (this.options.captions != false) {            this.captions = this.imageStack.pluck("alt");            //this.captions = this.captionsHolder.childElements();		            //this.captions.each( ( function(elem, i){this.captions[i] = elem.innerHTML;} ).bind(this));            this.captionsCount = this.captions.size();        }                if (this.options.useReflection) {            this.imageStack.each(function(elem){                Reflection.add(elem, {                    opacity: 2 / 3                });            }.bind(this));            this.stack = this.elem.childElements();        }        else {            this.stack = this.imageStack;        }        this.stackCount = (this.stack).size();                                if (this.useCaptions) {            this.captionHolder = new Element('div');            this.captionHolder.className = "captionHolder";            this.captionHolder.setStyle({                width: "100%",                textAlign: "center",                position: 'absolute',                left: "0px",                top: (Element.getHeight(this.elem) - 80) + "px"            });            this.elem.appendChild(this.captionHolder);        }                                this.currPos = this.options.startIndex - 1;        this.currIndex = this.currPos;        /* slider */        if (this.options.slider) {            this.sliderContainer = new Element('div');            this.sliderContainer.setStyle({                width: '200px',                height: '10px',                position: 'absolute',                top: (Element.getHeight(this.elem) - 30) + "px",                left: (Element.getWidth(this.elem) / 2 - (137 / 2)) + "px",                zIndex: 99999999            });                        this.sliderTrack = new Element('div');            this.sliderTrack.className = "sliderTrack";                        this.sliderHandle = new Element('div');            this.sliderHandle.className = "sliderHandle";                        this.sliderTrack.appendChild(this.sliderHandle);            this.sliderContainer.appendChild(this.sliderTrack);                        this.elem.appendChild(this.sliderContainer);                        this.slider = new Control.Slider(this.sliderHandle, this.sliderTrack, {                range: $R(0, this.getStackCount() - 1),                sliderValue: this.getCurrentPos(), // won't work if set to 0 due to a bug(?) in script.aculo.us                onSlide: this.handleSlider.bind(this),                onChange: this.handleSlider.bind(this)            });        }                                this.timer = 0;                        /* sets up click listener on all the elements in the stack */        this.stack.each(function(elem){            elem.identify();            //console.log(elem);            //elem.observe("mouseover", function(){this.setStyle({"border": "2px solid yellow;"});});            if (this.options.enableOnClickScroll)                 elem.observe('click', this.handleClick.bind(this));        }.bind(this));                if (this.options.enableOnClickScroll) //lets go through all the <a> tags and disable them..        {            this.disableLinks();        }                this.goTo(this.currPos);                this.autoplayer = null;        if (this.options.autoplay) {            this.autoplayer = new PeriodicalExecuter(this.autoPlay.bind(this), this.options.autoplayInterval);        }				/**		* Added Keyboard support thanks to Martin (martin[at]noremember.org)		*/		if(this.options.enableKeyboard) {		 document.observe('keyup', (function(e) {		   var code = e.keyCode;		   if(37 == code) this.previous();		   if(39 == code) this.next();		 }).bind(this));		}		if(this.options.enableMouse) {		 var eventType = Prototype.Browser.Gecko ? "DOMMouseScroll" : "mousewheel";		 Event.observe(this.elem, eventType, (function(e) {		   this.enableMouse(e);		 }).bind(this), false);		 if (this.useCaptions) {		   Event.observe(this.captionHolder, eventType, (function(e) {			 this.enableMouse(e);		   }).bind(this), false);		 }		}		/***/        Event.observe(window, 'resize', this.handleWindowResize.bind(this));    },	/**	 * Function: diableLinks	 * 	 * This function goes through all the anchor tags in the stack and simply disables the href attribute.	 * This is required if the user has set 'enableOnClickScroll' to be true	 * 	 * A fix was contributed by Martin. Thank you!	 */	 disableLinks: function(){		this.elem.select("a").each(function(a){			a.observe('click', function(e) {				e.preventDefault();			});		});	},	/**	 * Function: autoPlay	 * 	 * Internal function that is used to scroll through the list automatically	 */    autoPlay: function(){        if ((this.currIndex + 2) > this.stackCount) {            this.currIndex = 0;        }        this.currIndex = this.currIndex + 1        this.goTo(this.currIndex);    },	/**	 * Function: handleWindowResize	 * 	 * Currently does nothing. This will be implemented later on. Internal Function	 * Parameters:	 * event - {Object} Browser generated event	 */    handleWindowResize: function(event){    },	/**	 * Function: hanldeWheel	 * This function should handle onwheel scroll events. This is quite buggy at the moment so disabled 	 * by default.	 * 	 * Parameters:	 * 	 * event - {Object} Browser Event	 */    handleWheel: function(event){        v = Event.wheel(event);        this.goTo(this.currIndex + v);        this.slider.setValue(this.currIndex + v);    },	/**	 * Function: handleSliderChange	 * wrapper function called after slider has been moved. This in turn calls <goTo> function which 	 * moves the images around.	 * 	 * Parameters:	 * index - {int} index to move to	 */    handleSliderChange: function(index){        this.goTo(index);    },	/**	 * Function: handleSlider	 * wrapper function called after slider has been moved. This in turn calls <goTo> function which 	 * moves the images around.	 * 	 * Parameters:	 * index - {int} index to move to.	 */	    handleSlider: function(index){        if (index)             this.goTo(index);    },	/**	 * function: handleClick	 * When an image is clicked we handle it by finding the appropiate index and then moving the images	 * and updating the scrollbar as well.	 * 	 * Parameters:	 * e - {Object} Browser Event	 */    handleClick: function(e){        var elem = Event.element(e);                var v = elem.getAttribute("index");                if (!v && this.options.useReflection) {            elem = elem.up('a');            v = elem.getAttribute("index");        }                this.currIndex = v;        this.goTo(v);        this.updateSlider(v);    },	/**	 * Function: getCurrentPos	 * Returns the current position of the image that is being focused on.	 * 	 * Returns: 	 * current position - {int} index	 */    getCurrentPos: function(){        return this.currPos;    },	/**	 * function: goTo	 * takes an index and moves the images to that index based on the flex and index provided. This also	 * updates the captions to show the correct caption if enabled.	 * 	 * Parameters:	 * index - {int} index in the stack to move to	 */    goTo: function(index){        this.slideTo(index * this.options.flex * -1);        //this.currPos = Math.round(index);        if (this.useCaptions) {            this.captionHolder.innerHTML = this.captions[Math.round(index)];        }    },	/**	 * function: updateSlider	 * updates the slider to currect position. 	 * 	 * parameters:	 * index - {int} Index for the stack	 */    updateSlider: function(index){        if (this.options.slider)             this.slider.setValue(index);    },	/**	 * function: step	 * Steps through the animation process. This is what makes it look so smooth 	 */    step: function(){        if (this.target < this.currPos - 1 || this.target > this.currPos + 1) {            this.moveTo(this.currPos + (this.target - this.currPos) / 5);            window.setTimeout(this.step.bind(this), this.options.interval);            this.timer = 1;        }        else {            this.timer = 0;                    }    },	/**	 * function: slideTo	 * This function sets up a timer and calls step on the interval specified via options.	 * parameters:	 * x - {int} index to move to	 */    slideTo: function(x){        this.target = x;                if (this.timer == 0) {            window.setTimeout(this.step.bind(this), this.options.interval);            this.timer = 1;        }                    },    /**     * function: moveTo     * Actually moves the images based on the position provided by <step> function     *      * parameters:     * currentPos - {int} Position to move to     */    moveTo: function(currentPos){        var x = currentPos;        this.currPos = currentPos;        var width = Element.getWidth(this.elem);        var height = Element.getHeight(this.elem);                var top = this.elem.offsetTop;        var zIndex = this.stackCount;		var flex = this.options.flex;        this.stack.each(function(elem, index){            Element.absolutize(elem);            elem.setAttribute("index", index);			var wsize=300;        	var hsize=300;            if (this.options.useReflection) {				wsize=elem.select('img')[0].width;				hsize=elem.select('img')[0].height;			} else {				wsize=elem.width;				hsize=elem.height;			}                        if (this.options.useReflection) {                elem.down(1).setAttribute('index', index);            }			var sign=1;			if(x < 0)				sign=-1;			var mvt=Math.abs(x/flex/this.stackCount);			if(mvt > 0.2) {				mvt=Math.min(1, Math.pow(mvt, 0.1));			} else if(mvt > 0.01) {				mvt=mvt*4;			}			var nx=(width  - wsize)/2 + sign * (width - wsize - 20) * mvt / 2;			var ny=(20 + height - hsize)/2 - (height - hsize - 10) * mvt / 2;            elem.setStyle({                left: nx+'px',                top: ny+'px',                textAlign: "center"            });            //console.log(elem);            elem.style.zIndex = zIndex;                        if (x < - (flex/2))                 zIndex++;            else                 zIndex--;            x += this.options.flex;                    }.bind(this));    },    /**     Function: getStackCount     Returns the count of elements in the stack          Returns:     stackCount - {int} An integer value indicating how many elements are there in the stack.     */    getStackCount: function(){        return this.stackCount;    },	decreaseIndex: function(e) {		if(this.currIndex > 0)			this.currIndex--;	},	increaseIndex: function(e) {		if (this.currIndex < this.getStackCount() - 1)			this.currIndex++;	},	previous: function(e) {		this.decreaseIndex();		this.toCurrentIndex();	},	next: function(e) {		this.increaseIndex();		this.toCurrentIndex();	},	enableMouse: function(e) {		Event.wheel(e)< 0 ? this.next() : this.previous();		Event.stop(e);	},	toCurrentIndex: function(e) {		this.goTo(this.currIndex);		this.updateSlider(this.currIndex);	}	});/*** Code contributed by Martin*/Object.extend(Event, {	wheel: function(event){		var delta = 0;		if (!event) event = window.event;		if (event.wheelDelta) {			delta = event.wheelDelta/120;			if (window.opera) delta = -delta;		} 		else if (event.detail) {			delta = -event.detail/3;		}		return Math.round(delta); //Safari Round	}});

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i think i need to change the function(e) to a ondblclick function
Yeah I know, which is why whatever framework you're using needs to make a double click event available.
do i need a dblclick listener?
Yes, and an event.I'm not sure if you're using prototype.js or which framework you're using, but it probably has a double click event that you can assign a handler to. That's what my first post was saying (based on your second post I think you misunderstood that). If you don't have a double click event that you can assign a handler to, then you need to make your own by using click events and keeping track of the time since the last click.
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Sorry, i'm fairly new to javascript but,how do i use "click events" and "keeping track of the time since the last click" (ive seen these before)

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"><html><head><title>Untitled Document</title><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"><meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css"><meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript"><script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">var x;function setUp(){x=0;}function oneclick(){if(x==0){document.getElementById('bla').innerHTML='oneclick'+x;}}function dblclick(){x++;document.getElementById('bla').innerHTML='doubleclick'+x;setTimeout('setUp()',1500)}onload = setUp;</script></head><body><a href="#" onclick="setTimeout('oneclick()',1000)" ondblclick="dblclick()">click</a> <br><div id="bla"></div></body>

and where do i put them in my script?I have 12 scripts running a slideshow like http://www.deensoft.com/lab/protoflow/i think you mean Prototype JavaScript framework but its too long to put on hereand i cant find anything helpful online about the ondblclick tag and how to use itthx,wade

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The slideshow that you linked to is using prototype and scriptaculous. I know you're using some framework, I just don't know which one it is. In this code:

	this.elem.select("a").each(function(a){			a.observe('click', function(e) {				e.preventDefault();			});		});

The select, each, and observe methods are all custom, those aren't part of Javascript core. So it must be using a framework that defines those methods.If it's using a framework, then the framework probably already implements a double click event. You're subscribing to a click event here:a.observe('click', function(e) {So I assume that there's also a double click event defined by the framework that you can also subscribe to. It would be best to look up the framework documentation to get information about the different events that it makes available, but you might just want to try copying and pasting the code already in the disable function and making the event name "dblclick" or something, and replace the event handler with just an alert statement to let you know if it's working. Once you know that it's working then you can replace the alert with the code to actually do the work you want it to do.

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Here it is... ondblclick: v._getEv,thats the only time they use it and it was in "prototype.js"...now:1. "also subscribe to." ? what? how?2. "copying and pasting the code already in the disable function and making the event name "dblclick"" ? in prototype or protoflow? how?3. "replace the event handler with just an alert statement" ? what? how?can you plz give me some example code to work with?thx for everything, Wade

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First, if you don't understand what "replace the event handler with just an alert statement" means, you probably need to study Javascript a little bit more for this stuff to make sense.

1. "also subscribe to." ? what? how?
This is the code you have that subscribes to the click event:
	this.elem.select("a").each(function(a){			a.observe('click', function(e) {				e.preventDefault();			});		});

For whatever this refers to, that code will assign a click handler to each <a> element that is a child of this. The click handler will run a function that only prevents the default action from happening. But those lines are how a click event is handled, you should be able to look at that and see that you can change "click" to be any other event that your framework makes available, and that you can change the code that runs to make any other code run when the event happens.

2. "copying and pasting the code already in the disable function and making the event name "dblclick"" ? in prototype or protoflow? how?
In whatever code you posted in the first post. Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V.
3. "replace the event handler with just an alert statement" ? what? how?
	this.elem.select("a").each(function(a){			a.observe('dblclick', function(e) {				alert('double click');			});		});

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all that does is allow the link on a single click,I would like it to still be dissabled on one click but enabled on two clicks,i also tried this but that just messed everything up?

	 */	 disableLinks: function(){		this.elem.select("a").each(function(a){			a.observe('click', function(e) {				e.preventDefault();});						a.observe('dblclick', function(e) {				e.alert('double click');});	},	/**

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You're missing some brackets there, and I don't think e.alert is a function.

disableLinks: function(){  this.elem.select("a").each(function(a){	a.observe('click', function(e) {	  e.preventDefault();	});	a.observe('dblclick', function(e) {	  alert('double click');	});  });},

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I'm not sure where the disabled link is, try to alert a.href and see if that contains the link you're trying to get to. If it is, you can either use window.open or document.location.href to send the user there.

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that just reenabled on click and turned the slideshow into a gallery...do you know an opposite for e.preventDefault() ?i found this in prototype.js:disable: function(element) { element = $(element); element.blur(); element.disabled = true; return element; },

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and this...

 'enabled': function(nodes, value, root) {      for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++)        if (!node.disabled) results.push(node);      return results;    },    'disabled': function(nodes, value, root) {      for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++)        if (node.disabled) results.push(node);      return results;

and did you mean put:"alert a.href" or"alert" a "href"...into my code?

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do you know an opposite for e.preventDefault() ?
The opposite would just be to remove it. The event.preventDefault method stops the default event actions from happening (such as the click going through). If you don't want to stop the default actions then you can just remove that line.I meant like this:
	a.observe('dblclick', function(e) {	  alert(a.href);	});

If you double click and see the correct URL, then a.href must be the link you're looking for.

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nope it just changes the text to a.href....heres some more from protoflow.js:all the disables...

  /* sets up click listener on all the elements in the stack */        this.stack.each(function(elem){            elem.identify();            //console.log(elem);            //elem.observe("mouseover", function(){this.setStyle({"border": "2px solid yellow;"});});            if (this.options.enableOnClickScroll)                 elem.observe('click', this.handleClick.bind(this));        }.bind(this));                if (this.options.enableOnClickScroll) //lets go through all the <a> tags and disable them..        {            this.disableLinks();        }                this.goTo(this.currPos);                this.autoplayer = null;        if (this.options.autoplay) {            this.autoplayer = new PeriodicalExecuter(this.autoPlay.bind(this), this.options.autoplayInterval);        }				/**

/**	 * Function: diableLinks	 * 	 * This function goes through all the anchor tags in the stack and simply disables the href attribute.	 * This is required if the user has set 'enableOnClickScroll' to be true	 * 	 * A fix was contributed by Martin. Thank you!	 */disableLinks: function(){  this.elem.select("a").each(function(a){    a.observe('click', function(e) {      e.preventDefault();    });    a.observe('dblclick', function(e) {      alert  ('a.href');    });  });},	/**

"If you don't want to stop the default actions then you can just remove that line"i need that line so it doesn't link on single click...

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nope it just changes the text to a.href....
Do you have a.href quoted? It shouldn't be in quotes. You don't want the text "a.href", you want the href property of the a object.
"If you don't want to stop the default actions then you can just remove that line"i need that line so it doesn't link on single click...
That's what I thought, I'm not sure what you were asking for the opposite for.
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just kidding... my bad, you already told me above...lol... THANKS "justsomeguy" for everythinghere is the working code...

disableLinks: function(){  this.elem.select("a").each(function(a){    a.observe('click', function(e) {      e.preventDefault();    });    a.observe('dblclick', function(e) {      document.location.href (a.href) ;    });  });},

and unfortunately I might be back as I try to learn more and more code...ttyl,Wade

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