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$len = 9; // whatever numberfor ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {  if ($thisPage == $_SESSION[$session_name][$i]) {	// do whatever  }}

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<?PHPsession_start();$thisPage = 1;//What we want to keep track of$showEntriesNum = 10;//Set to the number of entries to keep track of$session_name = session_id();//Set a unique session name//Only set the session onceif(!isset($_SESSION[$session_name])){	$_SESSION[$session_name] = array();}echo '<a href="test1.php">1</a>   <a href="test2.php">2</a>   <a href="test3.php">3</a>   <a href="test4.php">4</a>';echo '<br />';//Do not echo out duplicatesif(	($thisPage == $_SESSION[$session_name][9]) ||	($thisPage == $_SESSION[$session_name][8]) ||	($thisPage == $_SESSION[$session_name][7]) ||	($thisPage == $_SESSION[$session_name][6]) ||	($thisPage == $_SESSION[$session_name][5]) ||	($thisPage == $_SESSION[$session_name][4]) ||	($thisPage == $_SESSION[$session_name][3]) ||	($thisPage == $_SESSION[$session_name][2]) ||	($thisPage == $_SESSION[$session_name][1]) ||	($thisPage == $_SESSION[$session_name][0])   ){	//Do Nothing}	else{	array_push($_SESSION[$session_name],$thisPage);//This will append the new entry if it is new with in the last 10 (or whatever $showEntriesNum is)}//If the array count is less than or equal to $showEntriesNum we need to only show what is in the array.$count = count($_SESSION[$session_name]);	if($count <= $showEntriesNum){	for ($i = ($showEntriesNum - 1); $i >= 0; $i--)	{		if(isset($_SESSION[$session_name][$i]))		{			echo $_SESSION[$session_name][$i];			echo '<br />';		}	}	}	else//There is alteast 1 more entry to the array then $showEntriesNum{	$showEntries = $count - $showEntriesNum;	$output = array_slice($_SESSION[$session_name], $showEntries);//Show everything past the value of $showEntries	for ($i = ($showEntriesNum - 1); $i >= 0; $i--)	{		 echo $output[$i];		 echo '<br />';	}}?>

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You could do something like this:

$found = false;for ($i = 0; $i < count($_SESSION[$session_name]); $i++) {  if ($thisPage == $_SESSION[$session_name][$i]) {	$found = true;	break;  }}

After that $found will be true if the item was in the array. You could also just do this:$found = in_array($thisPage, $_SESSION[$session_name]);

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Thanks Guy.I'm trying to follow your ever so kind suggestion above.Say I have 10 spots in the array I am wanting to keep track of (last 10 items viewed).The loop will go through 10 times. From that 10 times, if there is one match I don't want to append anything.So I need to create another array from the 10 $found results.Then check that array for 1 true. If all are false I want to append the info.Am I following correctly?

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I'm not sure I understand, the code I showed will let you determine if a certain item exists in the array. So there's not going to be more than one match, there's going to be 0 or 1 matches (assuming the array doesn't have duplicate values). The first loop stops after it finds the first match, and the second piece of code just uses the buit-in in_array function to do the same thing. The loop is basically what in_array does internally.

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Ding goes the bell.

$found = false;for ($i = 0; $i < count($_SESSION[$session_name]); $i++) {  if ($thisPage == $_SESSION[$session_name][$i]) {	$found = true;	break;  }}if($found == false){	array_push($_SESSION[$session_name],$thisPage);//This will append the new entry if it is new with in the last 10 (or whatever $showEntriesNum is)}

Here's the final code

<?PHP session_start();$thisPage = 1;//What we want to keep track of$showEntriesNum = 10;//Set to the number of entries to keep track of $session_name = session_id();//Set a unique session name//Only set the session onceif(!isset($_SESSION[$session_name])){	$_SESSION[$session_name] = array();} echo '<a href="test1.php">1</a>   <a href="test2.php">2</a>   <a href="test3.php">3</a>   <a href="test4.php">4</a>';echo '<br />';//Do not echo out duplicates$found = false;$count = count($_SESSION[$session_name]);$start = $count - $showEntriesNum;for ($i = $start; $i <= $count; $i++) {	if ($thisPage == $_SESSION[$session_name][$i]) 	{		$found = true;		break;	  }}//If there are no dupliacte entries, add the value to the arrayif($found == false){	array_push($_SESSION[$session_name],$thisPage);//This will append the new entry if it is new with in the last 10 (or whatever $showEntriesNum is)}//If the array count is less than or equal to $showEntriesNum we need to only show what is in the array.$count = count($_SESSION[$session_name]);	if($count <= $showEntriesNum){	for ($i = ($showEntriesNum - 1); $i >= 0; $i--)	{		if(isset($_SESSION[$session_name][$i]))		{			echo $_SESSION[$session_name][$i];			echo '<br />';		}	}	}	else//There is alteast 1 more entry to the array then $showEntriesNum{ 	$showEntries = $count - $showEntriesNum;	$output = array_slice($_SESSION[$session_name], $showEntries);//Show everything past the value of $showEntries 	for ($i = ($showEntriesNum - 1); $i >= 0; $i--)	{		 echo $output[$i];		 echo '<br />';	}}?>

Thanks Guys!!!**Edit I had to edit your code a bit Guy. It was getting the 1st entries from the array. I need to check the last entries.again thank you very much for your time.The code above works flawless now.

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