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Actionscript 3


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hi I am new with ActionScript 3, trying to apply a few things I have done in C++.Does anyone know where I can find examples of event handling inside of a class method?Specifically how to call that method and send the event parameter to the method..heres my package / class (BTW I am just trying to make a circle move around when you press the arrow keys)

package {import flash.display.*;import flash.events.*; public class Hero extends MovieClip {var xV = 0;  // x Velocityvar yV = 0;  // y Velocity	public function Hero(){}	public function MoveIt()	{	 this.x += xV;	 this.y += yV;		}	public function handleKeyDown(event:KeyboardEvent)	{        switch(event.keyCode)        {            case 38: --yV; break;            case 40: ++yV; break;            case 37: --xV; break;            case 39: ++xV; break;            default: break;        }	}	public function handleKeyUp(event:KeyboardEvent)	{        switch(event.keyCode)        {            case 38: ++yV; break;            case 40: --yV; break;            case 37: ++xV; break;            case 39: --xV; break;            default: break;        }    }}}

and here is where I am stuck / getting errors.. not knowing how to use this stuff inside of the timeline:

var newHero:Hero = new Hero();this.addChild(newHero);newHero.x = 300;newHero.y = 200;	stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, newHero.handleKeyDown());

I can't figure out how to get the event passed into HandleKeyDown()

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Don't out parethesis () on the function name.By doing that you're running the function right there and assigning the function's return value as the event handler, which isn't what you want.

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