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Background Transparency in XML?


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hello, I am trying to use this Free Mp3 Player from here; http://www.flabell.com/flash/Flash-Mp3-Player-29 and am having some troubles getting the player to have a transparent background. I assumed I would have to tell the embed swf file to be transparent but on the forums here; http://www.flabell.com/topics/view/300 someone is saying I should do it in the xml file. This is the first I've heard of xml so yeah I'm pretty much sol. Here is the xml file I'm thinking he was me to edit but I have no clue on how to make a background transparent no matter which way I try..

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><settings>	<background_color color="0x201f1f"/>		<scroll_large_background beginColor="0xeeeeee" endColor="0xeeeeee" height="35" strokeColor="0x8c8c8c"/>		<scroll_button_color beginColor="0xa90329" endColor="0x6d0019" height="10"/>		<scroll_background_color beginColor="0xd7d7d7" middleColor="0xeae9e8" endColor="0xeae9e8" height="10" strokeColor="0xd0cfcd"/>		<top_margin size="30"/>		<player_margin size="4"/>		<images_border size="4" color="0xC6C6C6" rollOver="0x76001b"/>		<reflection size="3" alpha="25"/>		<playlist_background beginColor="0x2e2b2b" endColor="0x1e1c1c"/>		<albums_autoscrolling_speed value="0.3"/>		<scroll_bar_controls lineColor="0xffffff" beginColor="0xa90329" endColor="0x6d0019"/>		<automatic_scroll value="true"/>		<album_image backgroundHeight="50" albumTitleHeight="16" authorBackgroundBeginColor="0xa90329" authorBackgroundEndColor="0x6d0019" authorBackgroundStrokeColor="0x4e0314" albumBackgroundColor="0x76001b" albumBackgroundStrokeColor="0x69051c" authorNameColor="0xffffff" albumNameColor="0xcd4444" infoColor="0xffffff" infoRollOverColor="0x69051c" arrowColor="0xffffff" arrowBackgroundColor="0x76001b" arrowOverColor="0xcd4444"/>		<back_to_albums backText="BACK TO ALBUMS" backgroundHeight="45" backgroundBeginColor="0xa70329" backgroundEndColor="0x6f0019" backgroundStrokeColor="0x4e0314" textColor="0xffffff" shapeColor="0xffffff" textOverColor="0xcd4444" album_song_changeTime="10"/>		<playlist backgroundColor="0xffffff" backgroundStrokeColor="0xeae9e9">		<button_normal beginColor="0xffffff" endColor="0xf5f5f4" textColor="0x7d7d7d" oddNodeColor="0xf2f2f1" strokeColor="0xeae9e9"/>			<button_over color="0x6e6e6e" strokeColor="0xffffff" textColor="0xffffff"/>		<button_pressed beginColor="0xa90329" endColor="0x6d0019" strokeColor="0xffffff" textColor="0xffffff"/>	</playlist>		<controls_bar beginColor="0xffffff" endColor="0xe8e7e6" strokeColor="0xbec0c1" height="35">		<time_bar beginColor="0xa90329" endColor="0x6d0019"/>		<time_bar_background beginColor="0xcecece" middleColor="0xeae9e8" endColor="0xeae9e8" strokeColor="0xe5e5e0" height="8"/>		<loading_bar color="0xc5556e"/>		<text color="0x4d4b4b"/>		<buttons_background color="0xeae9e8" overColor="0xf4f4f3" strokeColor="0xe5e5e0"/>		<buttons beginColor="0x303030" middleColor="0x686868" endColor="0x232121" overBeginColor="0xc5556e" overMiddleColor="0xb3566c" overEndColor="0x70001a" strokeColor="0xffffff"/>		<volume_shape beginActiveColor="0xa90329" endActiveColor="0x6d0019" beginNormalColor="0x686868" endNormalColor="0x232121" inactiveColor="0xcccccc"/>		<volume_slider backgroundStrokeBeginColor="0xbec0c1" backgroundStrokeEndColor="0xbec0c1" mainBackgroundColor="0xffffff" sliderBackColor="0xeae9e8" sliderBackStrokeColor="0xe5e5e0" sliderBeginColor="0xa90329" sliderEndColor="0x6d0019"/>		<embed_button strokeColor="0x929292" beginColor="0xe6e5e4" middleColor="0xe6e5e4" endColor="0xe6e5e4" symbolColor="0x8c8c8c" symbolOverColor="0xa20327"/>		<embed_window mainStrokeColor="0x9D9D9D" mainColor="0xffffff" strokeColor="0xd1d1d1" color="0xe1e1e1" textColor="0xa90329" embedTextColor="0x000000" buttonColor="0xa90329" buttonStrokeColor="0xa90329" buttonTextColor="0xffffff" buttonRollOverColor="0xffffff" backgroundOverColor="0xcd4444" titleText="SELECT THIS TEXT:" copyButtonText="COPY" />		<shuffle color="0x000000" overColor="0xa20327"/>	</controls_bar>		<player_reflections value="true"/>		<bottom_background beginColor="0x1f1d1d" endColor="0x2e2b2b"/>		<distance_between_images value="25"/>		<sideways_margin value="0"/>		<tooltip visible="true" backgroundColor="0xeaeaea" textColor="0x28201d" roundsColor="0x28201d"/>		<albums_over_stop_moving value="false"/>		<playlist_looping value="true"/>		<notused value=""/>		<buy_download_buttons beginColor="0xb4b4b4" endColor="0x949493" strokeColor="0x8d8b8b" overBeginColor="0xc6c6c6" overEndColor="0xa8a8a8" overStrokeColor="0x8d8b8b" pressedBeginColor="0xe70001" pressedEndColor="0xa3011d" pressedStrokeColor="0xb20129" signColor="0xffffff"/>		<embed_button_visibility value="true"/>		<autoslide_pause_at_margins value="1"/>		<player_size width="560" height="306"/>		<sound_volume value="50"/>		<image_size width="140" height="200"/>		<automatically_begin_playlist value="false" albumIndex="1"/>		<auto_shuffle value="false"/>		<start_playlist_playing_automatically value="true"/>		<links_target value="_blank"/>		<strings album="Album: " song="Now playing: " playing="play" pausing="pause" forwarding="next" rewarding="previous" shuffle="shuffle" volume="volume" share="SHARE"/>	</settings>

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Only the people at that other forum may help you... assuming bobocel is also one of the creators of this player.XML is just a standard text format that lets people create their own languages that they later read and interpret. XHTML, RSS and SVG were all born on this premise. In this case, the creators of the player have created their own language for configuring their player, and they let you supply such a file that they read and configure the player accordingly.I'm not sure how you would set the background color to transparent... maybe if you remove the element altogether, or (for the sake of the test) comment it out, like:

<!--<background_color color="0x201f1f"/>-->

If that doesn't do it, I don't know... I just can't know.

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... I just can't know.
Yeah thats kinda what I wanna tell the guy.. That guessing how they coded the player is getting old, so come out with the answer. But I think they want you to "purchase" a support ticket before they give any real help. Which is I guess I can understand but... m3h
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If they had a publically available schema, you'd know all things that their language allows. If there was, say, a "transparent" attribute or if that was a possible value of "color", you'd know for sure.But they don't, so... yeah... buying a support ticket is probably the way to go. But once you do buy it, if they can't make it happen, I think you have every right to DEMAND that they allow this... somehow. This is of course, again assuming that bobocel is part of the creators (which I really can't guess when looking at his profile).

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