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SQL query character limit


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I wonder if somebody could help me please. I'm trying to limit the number of characters of the 'title' field to 20 but I'm not sure how to do this. This is what I've got, but I don't know how to do this :)

<%response.ContentType = "text/xml"set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")conn.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;"conn.open Server.MapPath("/database/database.mdb")sql="select top 10 * from listings where active <> 0 order by idate desc"set rs=Conn.Execute(sql)

Thanks for your help

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I don't see where the "title" field is, but you use a VBScript function like left to return the left part of a string.
I tried that and it didn't seem to work - it just said missing label. This is what I tried:[code}<%response.ContentType = "text/xml"set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")conn.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;"conn.open Server.MapPath("/database/database.mdb")sql="select top 10 * from listings where active <> 0 order by idate desc"title=Left(UserName, 20)set rs=Conn.Execute(sql)response.write("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>")response.write("<wapl xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation='http://wapl.wapple.tv/wapl.xsd'>")response.Write("<head>")response.write("<title>The Mobi Store</title>")response.Write("</head>")response.write("<layout>")while (not rs.EOF)response.write("<row>")response.write("<cell class='darkLink'>")response.write("<link>")response.write("<url>http://www.domain.tv/mobile/code/details.asp</url>")response.write("<label>" &title& "</label>")response.write("<linkVars>")response.write("<var>")response.write("<name>details</name>")response.write("<value>" & rs("id") & "</value>")response.write("</var>")response.write("</linkVars>")response.write("</link>")response.write("</cell>")response.write("</row>")rs.MoveNext()wendrs.close()conn.close()response.write("</layout>")response.write("</wapl>")%>[/code]
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All you're trying to do is show the left part of the value. The value isn't in an undefined variable, it's in the rs object. You're getting a value right here:response.write("<value>" & rs("id") & "</value>")Just add the left function to that.

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All you're trying to do is show the left part of the value. The value isn't in an undefined variable, it's in the rs object. You're getting a value right here:response.write("<value>" & rs("id") & "</value>")Just add the left function to that.
I added the line here:response.write("<label>" & rs(Left("title",20)) & "</label>")but it didn't work - it still showed the same number of characters regardless of what the number was. Unless I set it to 2 then it showed nothing at all.
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Your thought process is definitely unique. The value is rs("title"), that's the name of the value. You've split that up, so you have the rs first, then inside of that you have the left function acting on the value "title". This:Left("title",20)Is going to take the first 20 characters of the string "title". Since that string only has 5, it's always going to return the string "title", so it's the exact same thing as just doing rs("title"). You don't want to change the name of the field you're trying to get, you want to change the value of it. Like I said, the value of the field is rs("title"). So you want to take the first 20 characters of rs("title"):Left(rs("title"), 20)

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