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Hi ALL, I am new to DHTML. I am confused about a few topics as to what they are, and how are they related to DHTML. These topics are- "CSSP (Cascading Style Sheet Positioning)", "JSSS (JavaScript assisted Style Sheet)" and "Layers of Netscape". Do these topics come under DHTML???

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It looks like you've been reading some old documentation.CSS positioning still exists, and it can be manipulated by JavaScript using the style property of any element in the document's body.JSSS was a proposal that did not become reality. However, as I just explained, any style rule that can be set in CSS can be accessed and changed using JavaScript.Netscape layers do not exist because Netscape no longer exists. The concept has 2 aspects: (1) elements that can be used as block-level containers to hold an arbitrary number of other elements. The elements contained by the block-level element (usually a div) are positioned relative to the position of the container. (2) Elements can be "layered" in front of or behind other elements. The CSS z-index rule controls this behavior, usually in combination with a position rule and physical coordinates. Layering can also be controlled by JavaScript.The JavaScript syntax used to affect CSS is described in the W3Schools discussion of the individual CSS properties.

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It looks like you've been reading some old documentation.
I guessed it right.
CSS positioning still exists, and it can be manipulated by JavaScript using the style property of any element in the document's body.
Any links related to this concept?
JSSS was a proposal that did not become reality. However, as I just explained, any style rule that can be set in CSS can be accessed and changed using JavaScript.
Any links related to this concept?
Netscape layers do not exist because Netscape no longer exists. The concept has 2 aspects: (1) elements that can be used as block-level containers to hold an arbitrary number of other elements. The elements contained by the block-level element (usually a div) are positioned relative to the position of the container. (2) Elements can be "layered" in front of or behind other elements. The CSS z-index rule controls this behavior, usually in combination with a position rule and physical coordinates. Layering can also be controlled by JavaScript.
Any links related to this concept?
The JavaScript syntax used to affect CSS is described in the W3Schools discussion of the individual CSS properties.
Any links related to this concept?
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It looks like you've been reading some old documentation.
Is this script illustrating the use CSS Positioning correct?
<html><head><title>Dynamic Positioning</title><script language="JavaScript">var id;function StartGlide(){	Banner.style.pixelLeft = document.body.offsetWidth;	Banner.style.visibility = "visible";	id = window.setInterval(Glide,50);}function Glide(){	Banner.style.pixelLeft -= 10;	if (Banner.style.pixelLeft <= 0) {		Banner.style.pixelLeft = 0;		window.clearInterval(id);	}}</script></head><body onload="StartGlide()"><h3>Welcome to Dynamic HTML!</h3><p>With dynamic positioning, you can move images anywhere in the document even while the user views the document.</p><img id="Banner" STYLE="visibility:hidden;position:absolute;z-index:-1" SRC="eightball.gif" /></body></html>

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It is illustrating the animation of an element's left and visiblity CSS properties. For the "left" property to be in effect, the positioning is first set to absolute in the CSS.Is it correct? Define "correct"... I mean, it should work, but I can see at least two bad practices used in it. Read the tutorials on W3Schools, and you'll see those.

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CSS positioning still exists, and it can be manipulated by JavaScript using the style property of any element in the document's body.
Is the one above about using CSS positioning like absolute, relative, fixed etc, OR is it about using javascript to manipulate using the style property?
However, as I just explained, any style rule that can be set in CSS can be accessed and changed using JavaScript.
What does this do then? Are both of them the same thing since JavaScript is used in both the cases? please give me an example of both the cases.I got this script that uses JavaScript. Is it an example of CSSP or JSSS?
<html><head><title>Dynamic Styles</title><script language="JavaScript">function doChanges(e) {	e.style.color = "green";	e.style.fontSize = "20px";}</script></head><body><h3 onmouseover="doChanges(this)" style="color:black;font-size:18px">Welcome to Dynamic HTML!</h3><p>You can do the most amazing things with the least bit of effort.</p></body></html>

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that's just javascript changing the CSS property values of the element being passed do the doChanges function. I think, as has been repeatedly suggested, you just start learning HTML/CSS and javascript and come to learn what the modern standards and conventions are. I'm not sure why you are so hung up on this CSSP/JSSS. Positioning is usually just a way to try and layer elements in HTML, although sometimes (incorrectly) try and use it for simple layout (when it shouldn't/doesn't need to be). Manipulating the CSS value of elements through javascript is just javascript, done at run-time. CSS itself is just the styling of HTML elements. You create a CSS stylesheet, and then if you want things to happen to those elements (change their color, show/hide them, animate them, etc) you can use javascript to achieve these effects. Each piece of the puzzle is responsible for its own features and behavior. Learn what each one does on its own, and then learn how make them work with each other.

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Hi all, this may sound weird but I hv no other option but ask in such a manner, I have been asked to collect some material on the web relating to the topic "LAYERS OF NETSCAPE". but I hv no idea what are "Netscape Layers". the amount of information that I collected from the www is not conclusive enough and does not give a proper explanation of the topic. I really need some help, so plz help me with some relevant web articles....N While Netscape layers are a feature of Netscape 4.0 browsers, and will not be made part of the standard, they allow for interesting effects and creative dynamic HTML pages. I am also including some data relating to this, but i am not sure if these are the ones describing about "Netscape Layers"...

The LAYER tag creates layered content. This tag is a Netscape specific tag. This tag is deprecated  and is no longer supported by any browser other than Netscape. I recommend that you use z-index to create layers of content using CSS. Layers are a nifty little trick if you have Netscape 4. They act a bit like a z-index in a style sheet, allowing you to place one thing on top of another and give it an exact position on the page. The coding is just the addition of the <LAYER></LAYER> tags to make what you place in between them a layer on the page.<LAYER left="200" top="200" name="bottom"><IMG SRC="scare.jpg"></LAYER>This code would create a layer named "bottom". The contents of the layer is the image in the image tag. The layer would be located 200 pixels from the top of the browser window and 200 pixels from the left of the browser window. This is an exact position on the page, so you may have to adjust the numbers to get the layer where you want it to be. The layer will just sit right over the top of anything in its way, such as text or other images.Now, if you want to place some text over that image, you can use another layer over the top of the image layer, which we named "bottom".<LAYER left="200" top="700" name="bottom"><IMG SRC="scare.jpg" width="100" height="100"></LAYER><LAYER left="200" top="700" name="top"><FONT COLOR="red">I just love to write over the top of my images....</FONT></LAYER>

Does this topic include just a theoritical explanation or does it include any explanation through programming like C, C++, Java etc?

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CSS positioning still exists, and it can be manipulated by JavaScript using the style property of any element in the document's body.
tried a few examples of CSSP, and they were quite useful.
JSSS was a proposal that did not become reality. However, as I just explained, any style rule that can be set in CSS can be accessed and changed using JavaScript.
But as you said (However, as I just explained, any style rule that can be set in CSS can be accessed and changed using JavaScript), what difference do we get in the two cases (CSSP and JSSS)? because both use Javascript to manipulate a given CSS?
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JSSS was meant as an alternative for CSS, using JavaScript syntax. What is being done here is just the manipulation of CSS using JavaScript. "CSSP" is just an application of CSS, and has no particular relation to JavaScript.

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I made it quite clear in Post #2 that Netscape layers do not exist, that Netscape does not exist, and what elements and properties have been developed the replace the concept of Netscape Layers.I strongly suggest that you stop reading about layers and Netscape. Books and tutorials that old will confuse you as much as they help you.

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