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Time sensitive popup html


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Hi im using this little bit of code i found to write a short sweet popup script{day = new Date();id = day.getTime();eval("page" + id + " = window.open(URL1, '" + id + "', 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,location=0,statu… = 533,top = 234');");i copied it so i never woried to much about what it all means its quite obvious.However i was wondering about the time and date bit at the start. can i put in commands to make them open randomly, at a time of day, a specific time into veiwing a page and if so what do i tell it. I was hoping for any insight and tips you could give me relating to this area of coding. i dont really need to make a popup open at a special time but it got me curious.Thanks Washington

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I'm not sure about the actual implementation using eval per se, but you can instantiate the date object to take a date you make. So for instance, if you want it to open after the user has been on the page for 5 minutes, you could take the time (from getTime) and add 300000 (milliseonds) to it. Or you can create a random function to pick a number 1 -10 (for example) and set that as the number of minutes, seconds, etc in which to call a setTimeout function to run. Defining the exact requirements will help narrow down the possible solutions.

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