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HTML: Meta Element


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Hello guys, i am new in web development and there are some things that i am concerned about. I am not looking forward into making the best websites out there (not just yet) but at least (since i am new with all this) i'd like to make websites that feel good and right to other's. I don't want to give the impression that i am new to this and i don't want to miss any "standard" methods that i should have used. Anyway, i like using Firebug to watch how other sites are made so i can become better and use more methods in my development. Today my question has to do with the Meta element, i see that most websites have a really long code in their headers and i'd like to know if there are any standard methods that i should use for my websites. Besides the keywords, description and the author. Thanks in advance

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Hello,Meta tags in general as not as popular as they were a decade ago, however they do still have some uses. Using W3Schools as an example:

<meta name="Keywords" content="XML,tutorial,HTML,DHTML,CSS,XSL,XHTML,JavaScript,ASP,ADO,VBScript,DOM,W3C,authoring,programming,learning,beginner's guide,primer, lessons,school,howto,reference,free,examples,samples,source code,demos,tips,links,FAQ,tag list,forms,frames,color tables, Cascading Style Sheets,Active Server Pages, Dynamic HTML,Internet database development,Webbuilder,Sitebuilder,Webmaster,HTMLGuide,SiteExpert" /><meta name="Description" content="HTML XHTML CSS JavaScript XML XSL ASP SQL ADO VBScript Tutorials References Examples" />

Keywords are not used by most search engines, however the "Description" meta name will show when your website comes up in a google search. So it is good to have an accurate description of your site so that potential visitors will click on it. The author is put in by some website building tools, however it isn't really important in regards to search engines and it doesn't make the site copyrighted just to have the author. As long as you have the description in there that is the most important meta tag to include.

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Meta tags were used by search engines such as Google to get details of the page as they similar to the index of a book.They are used to define the contents and keywords of the document.But now due to excessive spamming the use of meta tagshave been removed in the latest releases of search engines especially google.Find out more about meta tag @ HTML Meta Tags

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